Fine line between good and poor...


New member
How do you stay on the right side of the line that divides good customer service and poor customer service? There are companies that basically don't care if the customer is happy and thus run them off. Then there are companies that get walked all over becuase they truly believe that "the customer is always right." Where do you fall and how do you balance the good customers and the bad customers?
That is a great question. The answer can be a difficult one, but satisfying customers has to be a passion and just something you know how to do. We have always been able to keep our customers satisfied, and many times do go the extra mile for them. How do you do that without "giving away the company"? Not an easy answer, but as I said you have to have a passion for what you are doing, and if you do it will show in your service to your customers.
I have always been a great believer in being nice to customers and trying to explain things as best I can and in as much detail.

When someone places a support ticket they are doing so for a reason - they want to know more information. If you go above and beyond what they expect from you they will always thank you for it and approve your support.

Hope this helps.
If you are good to your customers, good things will come.

Good Customer Service and a Good Customer following really help.
I think a good control over your employee is necessary to be sure they are not ignoring the customer and to be sure they are nor responding to a customer with "Please reinstall your windows and then try again" or "It works fine from here so there is no problem".

The time is very important here since a customer will expect to receive an instant answer.
I think the line between poor customer service and good customer service is the difference between responding that there is nothing you can do to make the client happy and being willing to meet them halfway. If the client is unhappy and expects a refund for what they feel is bad service (although you show their site met your uptime guidelines, etc) offering them half back would be good customer service. Telling them they are wrong and you can't do anything is poor customer service.