Firefox or IE?

I really like Firefox, but I get easily annoyed with websites that don't perform properly in Firefox that I often find myself using IE again (like right now) ;)
firefox here

Xcel_Hosting said:
I really like Firefox, but I get easily annoyed with websites that don't perform properly in Firefox that I often find myself using IE again (like right now) ;)

You don't think this site works well with Firefox?
Firefox is truley one of the best browsers. As many of you know, Google is nearly perfect. Google hired the lead programmer of Firefox and will soon be creating its own browser, probobly similar but better than Firefox itself...
So far all the sites i visit work fine in FireFox, so i choose to use it. I also use it because its ALOT more secure the IE and has many more features that IE just cant compete with.

- Eddy
I'm more of an Internet Explorer supporter.

I surf responsiby, so I have no worries about IE, and have disabled all activeX controls so that sites cannot automatically install crap on my PC. I have had no problems since then.

I just don't see a point in using a browser that simply doesn't support common technology that has been out long before the browser itself, such as many CSS features, certain HTML features, etc.
IE is still my browser of choice ... although I have begun to use Firefox occasionally.

I mostly use Firefox to double check how my websites are being displayed in it. Over 90% of the visitors to any/all my websites still use IE. I will be sticking with IE myself mostly. Mainly because its the browser I sort of understand ;)

Firefox here. I like the tabs mostly. Excepting a certain bank's website, I had no issues to require me to go back to IE.

I was in love with Thunderbird as an email client, until it suddenly started to not send my emails. I'm so sad that I can't use it anymore. :(
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I would say 75% of my browsing is with Firefox. Some of the tech sites I use (such as HP's and IBM's) require IE so that makes up for the bulk of the remainder. I also have Opera and Netscape that are used from time to time to verify compatibilty.
I preffer IE. I have always used it and with the built in pop-up blocker and a tabbed browing addon software I had downloaded it is even better. Not to mention I have heard many people complain that certain websites down work too well with firefox, or tables don't line up, etc.
Yes, it is true that at times you must use IE because most of the content on the internet is designed for IE, especially if it is from or for Microsoft. That is one downfall of FireFox although you will notice the ones who consider other browsers when creating their websites.
although you will notice the ones who consider other browsers when creating their websites.

Indeed. There are some that will "dumb down" their site, in order for it to work in browsers that cannot handle standard technology.
Look, this is the most controversial topic I have to face on a regular basis and my opinion is still quite vague.

Firefox (in my opinion) has a nicer looking interface and some nice add-ons lioke the download manager and history and the easier ability to delete temporary files. May people find that the options and preferences settings menu is a little hard to find and use on the windows release.

As far as Spyware and anti-popupo technology goes, I dont see much of a difference between the two. Some people claim that Firefox is better security-wise, but I cant really say I agree with this. Although at release it was easy to claim that "Firefox is soo much less buggy than IE" this was obvious as it was a new product. Recently I remember an issue where 3 bug releases were placed on bugtraq in the short space of a day. Now I'm not saying that this doesn't mean IE has issues, IT DOES! But the way that compatibility, ability to properly view aspx and some issues to do with Style-Sheet and table parsing, leads me to believe that the dominant player (Microsoft) will remain dominant for a while yet!

I also have had issues with libraries not being included in releases when setting up on fedora.

Either way, it will remain to be an open discussion for a while to come, but I agree that the opensource option is going to better suit most people.
I dont think it is ground to discriminate against people though. The same issue arose with Linux vs MS and eventually kids thought it was really "1337" to ostrocise MS for its products, but the actually had no grounds...I refuse to vote for one or the other, but keep numerous browsers installed on my PC.


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