First on Google, poor sales


New member
I managed to make an automatic system that places any link you want in the first page of Google almost instantly and takes from there to the first position in a couple of days ( depending on the search results you on ).
Nothing special just a SEO tool that really works.

These way I managed to place more then 800 affiliate link on first page of Google. Now the sale are coming ... but not at the rate I would expect.
Here we reached the subject of the topic:
How is your business doing?
Cause if you can't make it being first on Google ... I think I need to learn new things.
Business doing just fine... Are you logged into google when you seen yourself at the top of the list? Either way, if you're getting to the number one position in a few days, you're doing blackhat and it WILL come back to bite you in the ass.

If you really are at a number one position, then you've got a couple of things that could be playing factors;

1) You're ranking for terms that people don't really search for
2) People are holding off making a purchase until after the US Election to see what way things go
3) You're targeting a part of the country (east coast) that has no need of your product offer (fuzzy bunny slippers)

Number one in Google is directly proportional as to what you're wanting to rank for and who is willing to buy. For example, if I went and ranked my website to be number one for "web hosting", then yes I'd get a ton of potential traffic (2.24 million searches per month) but of that, they usually put another word with it like "unix" or "windows" or "help". So a targeted match of 165,000 narrows it down, but again, they're not all going to click the number one listing (just under 70,000 would click the number one listing). If you had the number one adwords spot, you could expect 4,300 clicks.

Now that's using a VERY generic term, but you can see how fast the numbers decrease. The problem with generic terms is that people click them, then click elsewhere. You don't make money (as an affiliate or site owner) unless people buy, so you really need to target your words to focus in on your buyers rather than traffic.

At the end of the day, you need to step back, evaluate just what phrases are getting you a number one position, and what of that are converting, and if you're getting a number one position in a few days then either the term has no competition and isn't worth going after, or you're doing some major blackhat work, and the number one listing will be a very short lived position which could easily affect your main site and get you de-listed on the index too!
I was thinking a little bit more on this tonight. I would *LOVE* to see one of your keywords that get you a number one ranking. Please provide an example of what results you're seeing.
I was thinking the same thing when I read this. Number one for any link on the first page instantly? I too would love to see confirmation.
I am getting curious! Everybody is getting curious!
How many searches / month? Competition? How many results?
Please show us the keywords.
Providing more details would be very nice in here because everybody is interested in checking out those hot listings. Some points can be mentioned over here concerning the matter of maintaining a top spot on Google, and I believe it is not just the matter of reaching there but how can you keep your position stable and fixed? This is the reason why some temporary ranks will not help generate any sales.

If you manage to have your links at the top of Google, and indeed a lot of people visit your site, at first they would not purchase any services because they simply are surfing the web, clicking on listings appearing on their browsers as they perform queries, but if they find you at the top for days, and weeks and months, then you will gradually experience some amazing sales and new customers.
If you have the SEO results and they are working, then your smaller sales are probably most attributed to the fact that your target keyword isn't what people are searching for. It takes time to understand what people need.
Why would he want to show the keywords? This would only create unneeded competition for him and give you free researched niches to jump into.
You're absolutely right. He already said it wasn't working to his satisfaction, so he's welcome to keep his keywords private. :)
Why would he want to show the keywords? This would only create unneeded competition for him and give you free researched niches to jump into.

Since we've had ZERO input from the original poster, I'm guessing this was just a trolling post. My own personal interest to see the keywords is to see just exactly why it's not responding correctly. My big guess is that they're using a string of words that nobody searches for. Being number one for nothing, still yields nothing.

As for competing against them, personally I'd have no interest as the work has already been done. If someone is number one and complaining that they don't' get any traffic, why would I even bother to try and beat them on the same phrase. It's already "proven" that the search terms are useless at driving traffic for sales.

Now, if the user actually wanted HELP, I'm happy to help show where there might be a problem with the keyword phrase they're using, and a potentially better one to use, but again, my guess is that they are using something so specific or unsearched, that's the reason for the lack of performance.

My last point on all of this is that I would like to see proof. I'm very skeptical of someone saying that they have the number one position for ANYTHING, and then still need help. It's like a "hosting company" asking how shell works! It should never happen. I could claim to have cracked the Google code to rank any phrase #1, but without proof, nobody will believe me.

So it comes down to facts. I don't believe that this person has the number one position for a highly searched phrase and gets very few conversions. My site ranks #4 for a highly competitive term (4.6 million exact match results - 23.7 million broad match), another ranks #1 out of 20,300 exact match results and #1 from 2.09 million broad match... I get decent traffic, but then again, the terms are searched for also. If I was #1 for a term that nobody searched for, I wasted all my time.
The original poster seems to be creating a problem where there is no problem. If you could have the traffic on niche keywords, and you could potentially increase it by using a seo tool, then monetizing is the easy part. Of course if your traffic is garbage, from unrelated keywords then don't expect a high conversion rate. You should better try google ads to monetize it.
So it comes down to facts. I don't believe that this person has the number one position for a highly searched phrase and gets very few conversions. My site ranks #4 for a highly competitive term (4.6 million exact match results - 23.7 million broad match), another ranks #1 out of 20,300 exact match results and #1 from 2.09 million broad match... I get decent traffic, but then again, the terms are searched for also. If I was #1 for a term that nobody searched for, I wasted all my time.

This is always a sticking point when I'm trying to explain to people I work with why I do not care that they've managed to rank #1 for a keyword with all of 10 searches a month. Yes yes, we're the king of that tiny tiny hill and we're all very proud of you. But for the effort expended there we could've been focusing on a GOOD, PAYING keyword.

Oof, it's not voodoo people.
I believe this post is to market this 'incredible' SEO tool. I also bet aditd got a bunch of PMs with further details requested. ;)
I believe this post is to market this 'incredible' SEO tool. I also bet aditd got a bunch of PMs with further details requested. ;)

No. I don't sell the system. True I would expect more results out of it, but that doesn't mean that I'm not making money out of it.
If I were to sell it ... well competition can lower your profits.

I was just asking some opinions what can be improved.
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Just over 2 months for a response on a thread that you created - seems pretty lazy on your part, and then not to answer the core of the questions - even more laziness.