[For Hire] Level 1/2 Ticket/Chat/Phone Junkie!


New member
I am looking for a dedicated hosting company that is looking for a Level 1/2 Ticket/Chat/Phone junkie.

I am 18 and I'm currently in my first year of college, my only obligations are college right now, so I am available the times you need me. I have excellent experience with cPanel, Plesk, Helm, Hshpere, Alabanza and other control panels.

I also have experience with working with perldesk, kayako, cerberus and much more.

Pay is NEGOTIABLE, would prefer hourly based pay, but something can be worked out on a per-ticket basis.

Times available:
I am able to work out times to fit your needs, no graveyard shifts.

3 References:

SuccessfulHosting (Webhosting, Dedicated Servers, Ecommerce)
AIM: AlexanderBrecher

HelpSpeed.com (Outsourcing support)
AIM: WhiteCollar18

AlphaRed (Dedicated servers, and more)
AIM: SanduvalAlphaRed

I have great grammar, and I read/write fluent english as well as spanish. I am available 24/7 via phone/cell phone.

AIM: justinandy01002
Email: justinandy01002@hotmail.com

If you would like to contact me via a messenger, my contacts are above.

You can contact me for my resume with any of the instant messengers I listed above.

We can also discuss pay via phone or instant messenger if you wish.

Remember, I am only looking for serious established companies!!
