Forum Advertising


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Hi, Guys I just wanted to share that I have had a good reception to marketing on different forums. Including Hosting Discussion. I feel it is one of the best ways to get customers and a low cost way of getting them.

I actually just got a customer who is starting a forum <URL snipped> I told him I would tell people about it to help get more users on the forum.

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Advertising on forums will help you to generate traffic and also sales for your web hosting business. You can get a list of good web hosting forums to post your ads.
This forum looks good and I've just signed up, but when I try to go to any other page than the main one, I get 404.
I wouldn't say the best, maybe good for branding. Anytime there is a lot of competition in one place it's overwhelming for the customer. I would advertise on forums but not just rely on it.
We have always advertised on forums but you have to do the other things also, Facebook, Twitter and even eBay if you have a special running. The main thing is get your name out there.
It works, helps with a few extra sales but to be really honest it isn't the biggest source for hosting clients
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I find posting on forums total waste of time for getting customers, am now looking at SEO or face book. Most forums are dead, or full of people not in my target market.
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I find posting on forums total waste of time for getting customers, am now looking at SEO or face book. Most forums are dead, or full of people not in my target market.

This is true, forums aren't as powerful as they used to be but forum posting is still good for SEO itself.
This is true, forums aren't as powerful as they used to be but forum posting is still good for SEO itself.
Forum posting is good for increasing traffic to your site, but has no effect on SEO rankings directly. Increased traffic should translate to more sales.
Forum posting is good for increasing traffic to your site, but has no effect on SEO rankings directly. Increased traffic should translate to more sales.

That's not true. Forum posting in most cases does impact SEO. To Google there's no difference between a link from a blog post, forum or website. Both are outbound links and will pass page rank. Sure the blog will likely be valued higher as forums tend to have a lot of outbound links and duplicate content but if the forum is of good quality then it will impact SEO positively. Especially forums such as where they actively ban spammers and those pasting copy/text martial.

How much benefit you get for SEO is also going to depend on some factors such as which posts you're replying to (quality forum, unique content, high pagerank of the forum) and how you've setup your signature.

For example if you link to your website using:



You're missing out on the possible SEO benefits. For the best effect you'll want to link to your website with keywords that you're looking to increase your index rank for.


"web hosting florida" links to your web hosting page

I would not recommend linking your company name because very quickly Google will already show you as the top result when someone searches your company name. You're building links using a keyword you're already ranked for.

The only acceptation to this is forums that use rel="nofollow" on outbound links (very few do this) or poor quality forums that Google doesn't value thus ignores or holds less weight to outbound links from the forum.

I've been studying SEO for over 6 years and using what I've learned. I plan on writing a e-book on this very subject.

PS: I'm a big fan of this forum, it's one of my favorites.
SenseiSteve is right all of the outbound link on modern Forums (this one included) are "no-follow" so you don't get much "SEO Link Juice".

If you contribute and are genuinely helpful, then hopefully you will get more traffic that way.
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SenseiSteve is right all of the outbound link on modern Forums (this one included) are "no-follow" so you don't get much "SEO Link Juice".

I hate to be so up front about it but no he isn't right and nore are you. Every forum is different, some will use nofollow links for all, some won't use it at all and some will use it for certain links.

On this forum I checked and the links from the signature do use nofollow but links contained within the posts themseleves don't.

So posting a advert using good keyword stratergies in the following forum will have benefits to SEO:

Taking the latest post as a example:
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We have always advertised on forums but you have to do the other things also, Facebook, Twitter and even eBay if you have a special running. The main thing is get your name out there.

Hey CarlC, can you tell me more about ebay advertising?this is interesting for me since I didnt know it can be used for advertising hosting products. Did it work well for you?
Forum advertising is one of the best way to get genuine and suitable clients. here you can even discuss about your announcements, new techniques, new technologies and SEO related things also. It will boost your online business and provides Best Website visibility.

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