Free Host Needs Sponsor


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I run a free webhosting company but we have ran out of resources lately because our previous host can no longer manage us due to closing. We are looking for a new sponsor that could give us a reseller or dedicated account to keep our free hosting services alive. We will offer advertising in our site in return. As this will be a free hosting website, expect to see a lot of visitors.

In addition to some ads, we will offer you as an "alternative" for our free hosting offers. We will place a "Paid Hosting" section on our site which will feature some things about your company and your offered hosting plans.

Please view this screenshot to see our site and some detailed explanations about the ad spaces. Thank you so much and I hope you consider this request.

Screenshot: View Here!
John Diver said:
How much space/bandwidth do you need exactly?
What control panel are the customers on at the minute?
Our past customers used Cpanel as their control panel. The business will be completely remade, it will start all over again.

The bandwidth I require is currently unsure. As long as I get more users, the more I will require. In the meantime, just for a start, I estimate about 5GB/50GB space and bandwidth. We can start at that amount and see how it goes for both sides. I'd also like to have Cpanel as control panel but other brands are also welcome like Ensim.

My requirement could be a bit high to be offered free but I highly believe that this effort would pay off as free hosting sites usually get a lot of visits. This free hosting company will be different from the other free hosts as I will provide support to my users like live chat and trouble ticketing system.
Do you have a business plan?
If you do, please send it to me as I am interested in this.
I also offered free hosting for over a year but I was paying for that myself.
I still have the people hosted for free but don't accept new signups.
What happened to your last customers?
When did you first start doing free hosting?
How successful were you before?
What do you do to prevent spammers, warez being stored and the various things that can effect a free host?
Thanks a lot for your interest. I've started providing free hosting about 6 months ago which unluckily did not last long mainly because of the hosting provider which sponsored me had to close down for some reasons. It did pretty well on that short span of time. Sign-ups were huge but I had a strict policy on accepting sites to prevent malicious acts and also because of limited space. I review sites on a regular basis to ensure that the content are legal.

My past customers, unluckily, had to go down along with me. I announced that free hosting will stop on a specified date so they are forced to move to a new host.

Now, I decided to get back on free hosting and had a redesign, which you will see on the screenshot. I strongly believe that it will work for both parties, giving the sponsor some boost in traffic. Once the free hosting accounts are insufficient for the users, they may consider signing up for paid hosting.

We could always give it a try and see how it works for the sponsor. Please PM me your contact information so I could talk to you or much better, thru Instant Messenger.
Do you have a business plan done?
I think a business plan is needed for a business, especially free hosting which I learnt while I was doing it.

There is a lot of questions I have but I think a business plan would cover everything I would want to know about, plus it would help you running the free hosting.

If you do have a business plan please email it to (remove NOSPAM of course :) )

John Diver said:
Do you have a business plan done?
I think a business plan is needed for a business, especially free hosting which I learnt while I was doing it.

There is a lot of questions I have but I think a business plan would cover everything I would want to know about, plus it would help you running the free hosting.

If you do have a business plan please email it to (remove NOSPAM of course :) )

Email sent to that email address. Please check it. Thanks a lot.