Free hosting company for sale!


New member
I am looking to sell my free webshoting company, There are over 50+ clients and there being hosted on the following plan.

- 350MB Space

- 5GB Bandwidth

- 3 Databases

- Cpanel and much more!

I am currently using a reseller that I can offer you for free to keep running this company, You will get the domain, scripts, clients and everything else included. My asking price is $200 over paypal

Website: xruX Free Web Hosting - Home

Cpanel and whm is also included, I installed whmcs also for easy installation and user sign up!

Here is also adsense proof for today made $2.22
Hi Dzelil,

Im a bit confused here, you are also asking for a dedicted server to be sponsored for this company?
I noticed the same thing that you are asking for a sponsored dedicated server in the following link, but yet here you are stating that you are selling the company.

Are you working the concept that if you can get the dedicated server you will keep the company and if not you will sell it?

Yes if I get the dedicated then ill keep the company but if not I wont be able to because I wont have the resources for it to grow

Unfortunatly we cant sponsor you an entire dedicated server and i dont think any other provider will but i wish you th best of luck :)
I may know someone willing to purchase your clients, but most of the time when something like this is posted, a potential buyer will want a list of how your plans are broke down along with what each client pays into hosting per month/yearly. Do you have something like this I could direct my geek friend here to check it out?

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