Gmail Invites


New member
Everyone seems to be going potty over these.

Mine came up today and offered me the chance to invite a friend.

Anyone want to be invited and see what all the fuss is about ?

Email me alex.monaghan [at]

I'm off to do the shopping and the wife's out all day, so I have kids all day - Don't expect a quick reply, but I'll check mail later today.
That is very kind of you to offer it monaghan :)
Someone gave me an invite a few days ago. When do you get the chance to invite a friend?
I will be offering it to someone on HR for free anyway once I do get the chance to send an invite.

Under the search buttons, you'll get a link in red saying "Invite a friend to join Gmail!"

I don't know when it pops up, mine appeared after 2 days, others have not had one at all yet :(

Personally I don't see what the fuss is all about, but being in the hosting game, I thought I'd better get myself an account just to have a look :)
Ah just checked and the link is there :)
Time to offer it to someone here.
I think it is very similar to yahoo, the interface is very similar
I will take and invite if you all have an extra one, never have enough emails and I want to see what all the fuss is about.
If anyone's still interested, shout as one of these wasn't needed. The person does have a friend interested, if there's no HR interest, I'll let them have it.
FatalSw1tch said:
Oh I'm so interested what would you like?


What do I want ?

Nothing other than your word you won't sell it on or sell any invites the system generates for you.

If you do feel as though you need to part with some cash, then a donation to the charity I work with would be acceptable.

Email me with your current address and it's yours.
Arrrgh !

Just got rid of the last one to FatalSw1tch and the system has given me another 3 invites :(

Anyone want one ?

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