Going to Disney World


New member
Well, I will be at Disney world from March 27 - March 31st. Really, 3 full days and 2 travel days. But it will be fun. The last time I went on vacation was 2 Novembers ago shorlty after starting hosting. Went on a cruise for 5 days. This will be nice as I will not take my laptop, no phones, no inernet, no SERVERS!

I got a friend in FL that is going to keep an eye out for me. Can not wait!
Have a really good time Robert!
I have never been to Disney World, a bit too far away for me hehe.
The one in Europe isnt meant to be too good...
No internet and no phone :eek:

What are you doing to do without HostingRefuge ;)

Make sure you get some pics for us!
Good :D

But I know why I don't go to Disney World, exactly because I can't live without SERVERS, INTERNET or laptops heh :D

Yea, it will be the first in a long time on a real vacation. I will post many pictures when I get back.

Oh, I am meeting a customer for breakfest, lol I can't keep away. One of my dedicated customers lives near Orlando.
Yep, I have 2 kids. One is two years old and the other is 5 months. The five month old will be staying with the grandma's.

I've been to Disney plenty of times but the last time was in 93. This will be my wife's first time there.

I've done 3 major web sites and my work bonus to pay for this so she can have the best vacation. We take vacation usually every 2 years. I like to spend a lot while on vacation so that's why every other year. So far that works out. We have taken 2 cruises to the carabeans and now Disney.
Seeing Disney thruogh you kid's eye will be pretty darn cool. It adds a whole new meaning to it. Have fun and this shoud be a good time of the year to go.
So doing the math here
1 vacation every 2 years... 2 cruises and now disney.

Dim intVacationTime as Interger = 2 ' Vacation every 2 years
Dim intYears as Integer = 1 ' One year
Dim intNumberOfVacations as Integer = 3 ' Number of total vacations
Dim intMarried as Integer ' Output variable for calculation

intMarried = (intVacationTime/intYears) * intNumberOfVacations
lblTotalYearsMarried.text = val(intMarried)

(For those of you that don't do VB that would be 6)

Am I close Robert?

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