Good form creation software?


New member
Is there any program where you can input all the information that you want and it will format the proper HTML for a form? I'd like something where I can just copy and paste the results into webpage.
I don't know of any programs, per say, but there are tons of tutorials for HTML Forms on Google. I have never really had a need for a form, but I don't remember them being that hard.
Some forms are easier said that done. Spammer bots and humans end up walking all over these if they are not properly coded. Another issue I see sometimes is that someone will make one but it ends up being broken, it will cut off words or it will end up disregarding the post if there are quote marks in it (magic quotes are evil).
W3schools teaches this in a really easy manner.
I think you just need to to go to w3 and search for form creation and I think itl'll shouw you some easy ways to create online Forms for your website.
There are lots and lots of such scripts in my experience i had used few of them

If you use Cpanel there is a script for this to build forms, for a nice list on this visit in that go to PHP section or search with " form generator " as key word
Visit the there are lot of scripts available for this and you can just give the values ( if you know what you give and what you need) in minutes you will get the coding in html or php or any software you select.

This software is worth a try

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