Graduate looking for an online job

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New member
Well I'm a graduate and desperate to get a job. I come online quite often, even 10 hours a day. Can I get a job online by which I can earn some bucks?
It would be helpful if you stated what you can do. Also, a graduate of what? Highschool? College?

If you have a resume, you should attacht so employers can see it.
I agree with Artashes, what can you do and what truly interests you with the web hosting industry? We're looking for staff, but it's important to know more about you.
The question is - what can you do?

Agreed. You will need to have a solid resume or portfolio that will display numerous skills you have obtained. Perhaps you have done and internship at a local data center or done technical support. Every job will give you different skills and knowledge you wouldn't have other wise. My advise to you is never turn down a job! Not only can you not afford it with today's economy but it will provide you with skills and knowledge that will make you stand out in a job interview. Best of luck to you!
Since the request is from May, I will close it for now, unless the original poster asks otherwise.
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