Greetings from NYC


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Howdy there,

My name is Joseph Fasone, and I live in New York City - one of the best places in the world IMHO. I am the Director of VPS Operations at Steady Communications, LLC. I am an avid forum-goer on many forums, and HD caught my eye, so I said... what the heck, let me join! Now I am here, hopefully getting to know some of you. It's a very nice close-knit community from my point of view, and hope to stay around :) Cheers :thumbsup:
Hello Joseph,

Thank you for introducing yourself and welcome to HostingDiscussion. I sure hope you enjoy our company as we have lots of smart folks around who love a good conversation.

New York is one of my favorite places as well, and I love coming with a visit. I hope one day to actually move there (or san fran - whatever works). :)
Hi and welcome to HD. :)

I have never had the pleasure to visit New York, but, maybe one day.. It's so far away though, it might have to wait for quite a while. :)

New York is one of my favorite places as well, and I love coming with a visit. I hope one day to actually move there (or san fran - whatever works).
I was under the impression you felt fine in Canada. :p

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