Happy Diwali


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Happy Diwali to all Indians and OTHERS alike.

And a Happy New Year!

Should hosting companies bring specials for Events like Diwali (today) or for Christmas (coming soon)..what do you suggest or think.
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Having a partner from India myself, Happy Diwali! I think ANY sort of specials are always better than none. I have seen companies offer 1 year of free service as specials, so this might be a good idea to have to be valid for 24-48 hours only.
Should hosting companies bring specials for Events like Diwali (today) or for Christmas (coming soon)..what do you suggest or think.
As long as the specials can help you reach a certain goal (which for most businesses is profit, either immediate or in the future), and you devise a way to track how well the goal is attained, sure, go for it.
As Dan has said; If specials can benefit you as well as the end user go for it.

I don't think Christmas or national events helps the hosting industry in the sense that it is Christmas,

It's rare when you ask someone what they want for Christmas they would say "Webspace!"

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