Have you used adbrite?


New member
I ran across Adbrite just recently and used a few select ads to see what would happen. Wow... if you pick very carefully you can get some really good exposure. The thing is i got 2 customers from about 2 million impressions for text ads. The ads cost me about US$15, so I am WAAAYY ahead of the prevaling curve of $100 per customer some others are paying for hosting. The downside to that is that once you use the services, the cost usually goes way up too...to the prevaling costs probably if my math was correct.

Have any others used adbrite? What was your opinion?

I am also now thinking of selling adspace through them but want some feedback if anyone has some :)

Adbrite is ok. I used it for my community forums but the amount they take is not worth it. Offering a ads per month basis earns me more than what they take (huge chunk of change in my opinion) for something that you can get a programmer to create for you (or even buy). They are constantly plauged with server issues however (downtime downtime and downtime) which eventually drew me away.
Well, I have not had a good experience with Adbrite either. I would suggest Text link ads for selling ad space. You should have a page rank of 5 though. They also offer $5 per link which should stay on ur website forever.

There is another website Adster...it looks very similar to Adbrite. Are they two different companies using similar scripts of the same company ?
I've found the AdBrite servers to be consistently slow to access - even from just browsing their website. Still, I think they are on the right track with their marketplace focus for adserving and am curious as to their progress into the future.

I have used AdBrite from a customer point of view. Even though I have never experienced slow connections or downtime, I did not have good experience. AdBrite charged me 3 times for what was supposed to be 1 order, resulting in $800 extra charges I barely fought off with the help of VISA.

Traffic wise, it was OK, but the traffic was poor quality.