having 406 error in wordpress blog : mod_security Prb


New member
I'm getting this 406 error in my blog. I read about this and learned that this error is related to Apache mod called "mod_security".

I tried to turn it off for my site using .htaccess file by

<IfModule mod_security.c>
SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off

But it didn't work. So how to get this sort this out ?

Asking Hosting provider to turn it off is out of question .Already asked but they don't want. I was told they are trying to find a way to sort this out but it takes time and im having a blog full of errors which wont be great for my Google ranking...

I d read this article but it didn't work. That code doesn't work anymore.

Also I tried the code for new mod_security version 2 and its giving me 500 internal server errors ..
It depends what version of mod security your host is using, one kind can be shut off with htaccess one kind can not, you should contact your host to see what kind it is.