Header On Firefox


New member
The header on firefox looks pretty messed up. Just recommending getting it fixed would be nice as Firefox is now used a lot.

*I love firefox :D*

Basically it says:

"Hosting Discussion - Header On Firefox"

For the bar on the top (Next to the FireFox logo).
Why is it that everyone has to bow down to FireFox?
If these little operators want to compete in the real world why don't they become compliant?

IE rules. Majority says so.
Orioli said:
This has now been fixed. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. :thumbup:

Nope I'm still seeing header on firefox.

Blue...Why should we bow down to what Microsoft says? I for one rarely use IE and use FreeBSD or my CentOS as the main operating system and hence use firefox. IE is more susceptible to spam and volnurabilities. Why would I want to choose IE over something that I am more comfortable with and feel as it is better? Why should I bow down to IE rules? There should definetly be a standard in regards to browser obviously but not just IE having the main say so.
Senad said:
Nope. I'm actually viewing this post and I still see Header on Firefox.
Heh, you got two options: switch to IE or reinstall Firefox. I checked on another PC with FireFox - looked good to me as well. :thumbsup:

Thank you Jose!!

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