Hello hostingdiscussion.com from AHost1


New member
Hello everyone! Glad to be a member of this fine forum, my company offers quality fully managed cpanel web hosting. We look forward to contributing to this forum in every way possible as we have over 12 years experience in hosting.


<MOD NOTE: Edited for promotional content.>
Welcome to HostingDiscussion, I am glad you decided to join.

Your post had to be edited for promotional content because it sounded more like an advertising than a personal introduction. It is always a good idea to stay on top of the policies that govern this community at all times.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us.
Your post had to be edited for promotional content because it sounded more like an advertising than a personal introduction. It is always a good idea to stay on top of the policies that govern this community at all times.
I didn't respond for that very reason. I thought it looked like spam.

Now that I know it is not spam. Welcome to the site.
Ya sorry. I run my own forum so deal with a lot of spam. Most spam I have seen has a link in the first post, posted by that user.
totally understand, nothing but legit services offered here.
Looking forward to lending some of my knowledge to the HD forum. take it easy guys.

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