[HIRING] Level 1-2 Hosting Support

EHB Nick

New member
Enhanced Blue Web Hosting is presently looking for dedicated and reliable level 1 and 2 support technicians to provide ticket support to customers. We are hiring effective immediately.

- Dedicated and willing to work
- Knowledgeable and experienced providing support to cPanel customers
- Ability to utilize the Cerberus Helpdesk system to answer tickets
- Patience and good customer service skills (this is important)
- Must be a team player and able to work with others
- References and past work history are a must. WILL BE CHECKED.

Payment is on a per-ticket basis, with the rate being negotiable. Support members will also receive free hosting as they require in addition to their per-ticket rates. Payments are made by PayPal at the end of each month.

These shifts are not set in stone, and we are willing to be flexible to each staff members schedule. Here are our general shift times:

A - 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM EDT
B - 5:00 PM to 1:00 AM EDT
C - 1:00 AM to 9:00 AM EDT

Please send your resume, references, and past work experience to nick[at]enhancedblue.com. Please also include the shift(s) you are available to work as well as your desired per-ticket rate.