[Hiring] Representatives


New member
Hosting42 LLC. is currently hiring. We are looking for different sorts of Representatives.

Are you interested?


  1. Must be atleast age 16.
  2. Must have a minium 2 years of experience.
  3. Must be online for more then 4 hour(s)
  4. Must be not be in PST time.
  5. Must be willing to learn.
  6. Must have experience with WHMCS, Cpanel, and WHM.


  • For every item sold you will earn 65% comission.
  • Will be paid through paypal, Mail, or Alertpay only.
  • You will be paid on a monthly basis, and only through the items sold.
  • We give additional United States Dollar to the highest sales person. (Employee of the month).

How to apply.

  1. Submit your resume to Advertise@hosting42.net
  2. That's it!