Honestly I have experience very poor customer service here

Vince Pinzone

New member
I signed up for the free trial, cancelled before it was over, yet on a few occassions the still attempted to deduct money from my bank account. No means no. I have several clients for what I do that need a web hosting company. I have signed up several clients.

As I complained, I was given a reply that I was abusive, yet your company is ABUSIVE in that it tried to take money out of my account illegally. Also another paying client, who paid for your services, can't access his site today.
And he can't access it after being told by one of your workers, Amir, that he was going to cancel my account and a client of mine, who didn't ahve time to put money in his internet bank account. YET I don't have an account with you, because of the poor customer service. So he said he was cancelling two accounts, yet I didn't have one, so I am asking you to look into whether he cancelled planforsuccess.net and thechagringuy.com.
TheChagrinGuy.com is owned by a client I helped set up his Micfo account because I recommended him to you.

My TOS agreement, according to my dignity, says "I have every right to be upset when someone illegally attempts to deduct money from my account(I had cancelled during the free trial). Fix the lack of communication problem there, and realize I am going to contact the state attorney general's office, the BBB, and your local newspaper, because of the ABUSE and violation of my rights.

ldcdc said:
Is this thread about Micfo? The split makes things a bit confusing.
Yes. It is about Micfo. The user mentions the company name in his post.
It was posted in "New Member Introductions", and was completely misplaced.
Did they pay you through PayPal or Credit Card or checks etc. If paypal just report it to PayPal admin. and for checks, credit card. etc report concealing then. I guess thats okay.