Host from which country is the best


New member
Today internet is so popular and borderless, people do business worldwide and hosting company comes from many countries. As we know US company are expanding and open up data centre Indian, China, Malaysia and Singapore to capture the new growing market. Frankly speaking cost in these countries is much lower and hosting company is making good income if they offer the same rate as US counterpart. They still make good money if the offer the same price as US counterpart.

Let see the opinion from members, which country is your preferred choice and why?

The best thing is to host in a country where visitors are coming from. However if you have a international site I'd recommend to have it on a US server. Also one should keep in mind that Search Engines give value to geographical location for local searches, as a example if your site is in a UK server and if you move it to a US server you could experience a drop in UK SE (search Engine) visitors.
I still prefer hosts with US based server because in my place people think that US based servers are more reliable then any othe country
Overseas servers may be an advantage on cost due to exchange rate. There may also be legal issues relating to a product that apply in some nations but not others.
It depends what kind of website it is. BUt in most cases going to your home country will be best because if you had some type of promblem in a far away country you cant just go there on a whim. Also you dont have to deal with launage barriers and it may cost a little more in usa. But it will be worth it in the long run
Hi, this is a very good information!
I am still confused why you think USA servers/hosters are better.
But anyway, I think dealing local is pretty much best in all scenarios of business! :)
Of course if you are wanting to bypass local laws and do some illegal activity, you are going to have to host your services in a land where it's not against the law, right?

I mean, that is what I'm reading here, like some of the torrent sites have servers in places where copyright laws are no big deal. So I see how it works in that way. But I'm still a newb at all this server stuff and have a long way to go befor I untangle it.
Like most of the others have been saying, it is best to host from the country your from even if you offer services in other countries.

If your from the USA and choose to have your site hosted in india or UK there can be legal issues that are going to be too big for someone on a limited budget or someone that doesn't want to spend the time and money trying to get their data.

I'm assuming your in the USA. If you do business overseas just make sure and pick a good host that has a good connection to the internet so other countrys can connect with quick response times.

Worst case... it make take about 10 seconds for your site to load.

Good Luck,
The key here might be technical where you would need high speed connection and the downtime might be different because a power outage in the US or UK might be rare, but if you go to India and China to save a few bucks you could be burned.
For better prioritize results I think the site should be hosted at the target country especially if you own the tld of specific country for example; "If you need UK prioritize results through and other local UK search engine you should get tld and should give preference to UK based host providers.
Since I am from the USA I like to getting hosting from here but if I had to make a choice for hositng for a world wide site I would go with hosting from England or any central area in Europe. I would never get hosting from Asia.
I think that one can even make choice for hosting world wide from US, I know many companies are doing that. :)
I prefer hosting from the USA. I guess it's the most reliable thing in the world because my hosting <<MOD NOTE: URL removed, no self-promotion allowed>> is there too.

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