Hosting company + clients for sale


New member

Due to not having the time to run my host, i have decided to sell,

Below is what customers you will get with this sale

1 Dedicated Server customer - $50/mo (server costs $35/mo from
1 Reseller Bronze customer - $10/mo
1 Elite Plan customer - $4.95/mo
1 Custom Reseller customer - $5/mo
1 Reseller Elite customer - $55/mo

Also a few free clients are included

Total income - $79.95 + $15 profit from Dedicated Server = $94.95/mo

WHMCS Monthly Lease - $13.95/mo valid until 18/07/2007


You will need to transfer the clients to your own servers as i am using the server to start a new project, but my server was @ LeaseWeb for 39 EUR/mo

I would like offers over the total monthly income please, i dont really have a BIN in mind but i will accept the right offer

>(server costs $35/mo from

What are the specs of the server ?
Did you simply pick said because of the impossibly low price ?
What are your contract terms with them ?
What method does the client use to pay you ?

>1 Reseller Bronze customer - $10/mo
>1 Elite Plan customer - $4.95/mo
>1 Custom Reseller customer - $5/mo
>1 Reseller Elite customer - $55/mo

How many IP addresses in use ?
What are the payment methods for these clients ?
Did they all sign up through your WHMCS ?
What fraud prevention steps did you take ?
What advertising / promotions have you done on your 3 week old host that would entice a large reseller onboard ?

>Also a few free clients are included

How many, and what plan-specs do they have ?
What do they offer in return for the hosting ?

>Total income - $79.95

Doesnt add up - have you missed a client out or double counted something ?


Is the domain included ? Is the website/design included ?
Are all domains used as nameservers included ?
Did you do the client domain registrations ? If so how many and at what price


Is down at the moment - not a good sign.