Hosting is tough - but getting worse

I do believe that VM industry will not dominate. I accept that it is getting stronger and getting a bigger market share. However, I believe most people will stick to the simplicity of a shared hosting or turnkey solutions such as Wordpress, Wix, Weebly, Webnode etc.

Not everyone has time to secure and manage a VM. This is my opinion.
The best choice is to get master reseller hosting from very good known company so they update their servers ofter with new technology and you stay ahead with other companies. hope this helps
If you are going to be a carbon copy of most shared hosting companies out there i.e. Linux, WHMCS, CPanel, Unlimited Shared Hosting then you will find it difficult to find customers as most people will opt for the known brand.

I think more businesses need to brand themselves on their unique features and not why they are like everyone else.

I was looking for the post like that. It's all about being unique and doing something different than your competitors. Most of the clients asks: ''Why price is so high?'' You need to find advantages that other companies don't have. Maybe it's faster support response time, better customer service, tested and custom server solutions etc.
Most of the clients asks: ''Why price is so high?''

Server local also has a lot to do with pricing.

I am in the UK, but my servers are in the USA as i know if i had UK servers I would have to increase my charges as UK servers are a lot more expensive than USA server.
Vm can be managed by people who have little knowledge of linux at least.For average tom,dick and harry ,it is shared hosting or managed hosting they need.It is tough to get customers,but if you work properly, you can find customers.
I agree with your views. Hosting industry is getting worst day by day. Again, Darwin's theory - survival for the fittest.
Whether we like it or not, we all need to adapt to this rapid changing technology especially in our field. This would generally be hard since we get more and more competitors daily but one key to overcome this is to always have something that others do not have or offer. On what that is? well haha we all have the same question for sure.
The worst thing is competitors, everyone will have the same specs and all the servers will be the same with highest standard, but everyone will compete to win clients. But if you work hard and dont give up then you will be rewarded with clients.
My worry is not the level of competition. What really freaks me is the the high risk of doing business online.

The rate of fraud is very alarming, especially to those offering VPS and dedicated servers. High lvel of chargebacks, intentional scams, where people place orders for vps with credit card and paypal, after provisioning, the use the IP to spam and once it is blacklisted, they cancel the order and move to the next provider.

Exactly on Point HostNesta :smash:. We had so many of these cases this is why we really are strict in checking out orders before we accept them. Check on Fraud Score and other reviews regarding a client some actually would give you a hint on what they did on other providers. Better check strictly than Sorry
What really freaks me is the the high risk of doing business online.

The rate of fraud is very alarming, especially to those offering VPS and dedicated servers. High lvel of chargebacks, intentional scams, where people place orders for vps with credit card and paypal, after provisioning, the use the IP to spam and once it is blacklisted, they cancel the order and move to the next provider.

If you have the correct security processes in place then you would get chargebacks as they would never get the chance to pay for orders.

we have Maxmind so fraud orders get stopped, but we also have it set so if anyone orders a VPS or Dedicated server then even if they place order no invoice is sent to them and the order remains pending until we check them out using fraud record and then if they pass this they need to send us verification documents before we will activate the invoice for them to pay.

In the last 12 months we have had 126 VPS orders and only 3 passed.
Even when we get live chats or pre sales tickets asking for a price of a VPS which is clearly one listed on out site we just ban the user and their IP as why asked for something that you already have on your site. a lot of them ask us to place the order for them and just send them the invoice. ( a way for them to avoid the security setup)
I find doing screening is time consuming but it helps combat fraud and server abusers.

As hosting companies get thicker on the ground and in turn so does the fraud order or abuser of a server. It is unfortunately part of the business that can be minimized but never eradicated.
I don't think the technical and support side of the hosting business is any harder today than it was 15 years ago in fact I believe it is easier.

The only thing that seems to have become harder is to acquire clients but that has never truly been easy, if you want to differentiate yourself from the big hosting companies then you need to specialize, if you want to do the "If you can't beat'em join'em" then simply offer great support and service for $1 a month or year and provide the worst possible support and you will make a packet , seriously though --------- no I was being serious lol
It is as tough as you want it to be. Reason I say this is that you need to find a place to advertise, if it free or if your going to pay for it. if you are wanting a big amount of clients/visitors to your site your best to advertise using google.Facebook is ok but not good unless you have a a HUGE budget. If your just starting out best to use HD or WHT forms to get the best results. your first year is always hard it will only get better keep on working on it.
Exactly, i recently joined a hosting company startup with me being a digital marketing head. I am facing hard time deciding how should i market. There so many companies. You cannot compete by being cheap. And if you are expensive nobody will look as you are a new company. I have decided to start marketing with being a cheap hosting for now.

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