Hosting needs to be chosen carefully


New member
If you are new to website hosting, you need to make sure you choose the correct company.

Things to look at are:

1. Features - Do you need mySQL database, do you need ASP and Windows MS SQL Server? Do you require lots of disk space?

2. Speed - Your website needs to be fast from everywhere in the world. <URL snipped>

3. Uptime - Your website needs to be up and running the whole time with no downtime. Some hosts on our web hosting review website have 100% uptime for the last 3 months. How good is that !

4. Support - How good is the company support? What if you need some features enabled or perhaps help with the domain transfer process.

Some things to think about ;)
5. A 30-day, money back guarantee- in case if you are not satisfied with the hosting service, you should get the refund.
Doesn't necessarily need to be 30-days, even a week should be sufficient in whether or not the service is working for you.
Doesn't necessarily need to be 30-days, even a week should be sufficient in whether or not the service is working for you.

It depends what your clients are doing, did they are building new website (then they will need more than 30 days) or they trasnferring already developed with traffic (so they will se everything what is bad very soon)
Something else people should consider is how long the company has been in business. If they've only just started out but look attractive to you, consider making monthly payments at first rather than committing yourself to a long term payment.

These days it seems too easy for people to start a company, pick up a few customers and then disappear with the money. I'm not saying avoid new companies, because a small company needs to offer very good services to be able to survive so chances are that you can pick up good deals from them.
3. Uptime - Your website needs to be up and running the whole time with no downtime. Some hosts on our web hosting review website have 100% uptime for the last 3 months. How good is that !
I think I'd rather look at the big picture .... what is their uptime stat since they've been online? Is there a trend of downtime?
Another important thing is how your website was made. For example if your current website was made with Joomla! or Drupal, you may encounter problems with your new host if their servers don't support your content management program well.
I think I'd rather look at the big picture .... what is their uptime stat since they've been online? Is there a trend of downtime?

Still, maybe you're on that one box that they continuously have problems with -- even if they have great downtime otherwise that won't change the fact that your business/website is affected.

I would always take into account and look for the "worst-case" to see how the unlucky users have fared.
What would you do if a worst web host offering all these things, you came to know all this after buying from the host that it was just 1 of the worst host ever,
What would you do if a worst web host offering all these things, you came to know all this after buying from the host that it was just 1 of the worst host ever,

That depends on how easily the host would let me leave, and how honest they'd be about it...

If I can get my money back with a 30day money back guarantee, I'd do that. If not, and everything goes as is said in the ToS that's fine for me too. I might just have been unlucky.

If a host starts making excuses and trying to keep money that they shouldn't be keeping according to their own ToS, I'd spread warnings on forums like this one to alert other people from making the same mistake.
Doesn't necessarily need to be 30-days, even a week should be sufficient in whether or not the service is working for you.

Yes but it would be difficult for you to compete with other parallel competitors those providing 30 days guarantee period.
2. Speed - Your website needs to be fast from everywhere in the world. <URL snipped>

3. Uptime - Your website needs to be up and running the whole time with no downtime. Some hosts on our web hosting review website have 100% uptime for the last 3 months. How good is that !

2- That depends on what are you looking for. Speed depends on latency and distance between provider - visitor.
I would choose a provider that suites better for the kind of visitor I expect to get.

3- Sometimes downtimes are required for maintenance, but in those cases web companies should advise about this, and send e-mail alerts some time before.

That's my opinion.

Thank you.
If the hosting provider could offer full money back guarantee for more than 30 days and above - such as 100 days, it would be great for the customer to take their time on testing the hosting features, the response time of the customer services and technical support. If the hosting provider is good enough, they most likely will not afraid someone request for the refund.

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