Hosting site with nice front page Reply


New member
I am building a new hosting front page and I would like to get some ideas.

Please recommend some hosting sites with very nice front page design.

Sites among in my current list are:

3.) **************.com

Thanks in advance.
This is the strangest measure of reliability I've seen one look for in a host.
I sure hope you don't think that a beautiful front page equals great service.
My best home page was back in 2002. I then went for a fancy design (same information but flashed up a bit) and sales dropped to a few a week from several a day. I'd suggest getting the right balance to display what the customer needs to know and deliver it quickly (no fancy animations), but still make it look good.
Webhosting service is web hosting service. And if web hosting provider offer web design services or seo services or domain name registration services - be aware they are additional ones and they are not the ones they pay lots of attaention
I think you should concentrate on two things rather than the looks of the website:

1. User friendliness
2. Search engine friendliness

Keep the design simple, good looks is good only for the first impression. Your potential customers and the search engines will look for content and it will be your content that sells.