has stolen our entire website (images and content)

I would contact them and ask them to redo there website design or you will have to take it to the next level. Probably some kid just starting out. Best of luck.
I love to see how a company can so easily steal website content, images and just pull it off as their own. They've literally taken every single image, as well as text and just posted it on their own website! Shame! copied from To add insult to the injury, look at this: (look at the bottom, it even says Gearworx)

I can't count how many times this has happened to me as well :( The first feeling for me is shock, then thoughts of "if it's good enough to copy, I must have done something write", but at the end of the day it's theft and there's not anything much more frustrating than that.

From my experience companies/people that blatantly copy others do not have the funding to go unique in the first place, so efforts to recoup anything monetary from them is generally useless. My best suggestion is to simply file a DCMA with their provider to have it removed. That's about all you can do other than make the public aware of the situation which will "kill" any credibility they have, and from my experience will in many cases "kill" their business as well.
Well that is just too hilarious! That blunt of a copy leaves me without words.

I am actually quite convinced that they paid someone little money who decided to just steal other people's work, or they probably purchased the pre-made template/site.

Regardless, send them and their source provider a cease and desist letter. Usually this will be taken care of fast enough.

Let us know how it goes!
Wonderful, this person is a past customer of Gearworx (585 days to day), which left on amicable terms. Seems like he feels entitled to copy the website? I don't know...
Sorry to hear about this. It's never nice when this happens. Hopefully you can get it sorted, and I can't imagine a host that would steal another company's property would last long (hopefully) :)
As mentioned earlier, file a DMCA with their provider and have the copyrighted material removed. Not only does it destroy their credibility, it's also illegal. However, what do they say? Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.
If you guys are looking to increase your small business's profit and potential customers. You will need a website. And to have a website you will need a Webhost. To Figure out which web hosting Co. is rite for you i suggest checking out www.*************** for great info regarding webhosting!

Hey, thanks for spamming the thread...
If you guys are looking to increase your small business's profit and potential customers. You will need a website. And to have a website you will need a Webhost. To Figure out which web hosting Co. is rite for you i suggest checking out www.*************** for great info regarding webhosting!

That site is nothing but a bunch of affiliate links, and does nothing to help consumers pick a good host....:banned:
We were contacted once by someone who'd found another site using our design & content - literally just replaced the company name & logo! We contacted them... it turned out to be a teenager, so we just explained that they'd need to remove it or we'd take further action & luckily he took it down pretty quickly :)
Folks, thank you all for the feedback. We were able to get them to remove the website content for the time being.
Wonderful, this person is a past customer of Gearworx (585 days to day), which left on amicable terms. Seems like he feels entitled to copy the website? I don't know...

This is oddly familiar.. Something VERY similar happened to me a few years ago. They stiffed me out of a few hundred in development work, then took my entire site design/content, etc..
I don't know how this apply in legally terms.
Because lot of people put at the bottom of their webpages that the site has copyright "...", but do you register your content and images?

If not, for me they are free to use anywhere (In legal terms).
I have had a pair of for pleasure sites stolen in the past, including the custom graphics that I had made. They weren't as silly as to include my info, but replaced it throughout with their own, but all of the layouts and text were carbon copy. Rather sad really.
I checked the link you posted here gearworx and this appeared on my screen: "Access to this server is forbidden from your client". It has been stolen indeed. I know how it feels like if someone took away my hardwork. If it happens to me, I will take this case to the court for stealing my website property.
I think you should put some effort for online marketing the evil work your web host has done so that they loose market and are out of business(best punishment they can have) and others probably dont get cheated.

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