Hotmail emails


New member
This my be a dum post but how do i get a email when i try to sign up for one it always offers the

It does sound as simple as being in the wrong place. .com was all they offered for a long time, and it was rather neat when came on board, and yes you only get offered it if the IP you are browsing with is UK based.

Not sure how to get around that, sorry-try using a proxy to sign up?
Try yahoo instead

Yahoo mail is much faster and easier to use, in my opinion. Of course, my favorite is gmail which is also free and very rarely undeliverable. Is there some reason that you want a hotmail account in particular?
Unless you're dead set on it I would suggest finding another free e-mail. Hotmail is often undeliverable to others and blocked as spam. I've never been impressed with it myself, although it was my first e-mail account. G-mail seems to get everything, Yahoo has some delivery issues as well.