How did you get started in web hosting?

Indeed helpful. Thank you for the post Steve :)

It is not an easy task to launch a web hosting service and continue it. I think the above post is useful to all the newbies in the hosting industry who are planning to launch their own web hosting service.
I wish I started with a reseller. But I didn't. I bought a server, put it in a datacenter, and bought a cpanel license.

I was already a linux admin so I thought this would be a easy transition, but it wasn't, had a lot to learn about all this stuff.

I'd suggest getting a reseller account and first learning all those things that go with it prior to get your own gear.
Nice post Steve. Here are my plans

1. Get a server not a vps a server for better use
2. Get Livechat or phone support (really increases sales for me)
3. Get a real merchant account (As steve said its really useful.
4. Have great attitude and customer support towards your clients.
5. And the most important step is be patient don't sell your company after 4 months because its just not making enough money. Remember it can take up to a year.
Nice post Steve. Here are my plans
5. And the most important step is be patient don't sell your company after 4 months because its just not making enough money. Remember it can take up to a year.

So very true. That's about how long it took me.

I do wish I had a lot of raw talent for web development, that would probably also help you direct a bunch of new sales to your endeavor. I have been lucky that I have a lot of web dev friends, and they have been pushing their clients to me. Once you start getting 'a bunch' of clients, the word of mouth spreads a little faster (which is the best form of advertising).
Steve--- what do you mean about forums? I haven't heard that bit before. By article submissions do you just mean having other people submit articles to you?
Forums is a area where you can exchange your ideas & share knowledge. Now-a-days it is very popular area where you can update you knowledge.
Started coding PHP at the age of 10 and was searching for a good host that allowed me to run PHP scripts, then I came upon a post2host website. Worked as a moderator there for 1-2 years before it closed down because the owner was too busy to maintain it, then some of the existing moderators at that point in time started another company together. It provided free hosting at first but gradually geared towards shared/dedicated hosting, and some of us left eventually, that included me. Was inactive for a bit before I had interest in hosting again and started my own webhosting company.
I got started in web hosting about 3 years ago. I'm currently 24 now. I know a lot of linux security and windows, so i use that to my advantage.
Started coding PHP at the age of 10 and was searching for a good host that allowed me to run PHP scripts, then I came upon a post2host website. Worked as a moderator there for 1-2 years before it closed down because the owner was too busy to maintain it, then some of the existing moderators at that point in time started another company together. It provided free hosting at first but gradually geared towards shared/dedicated hosting, and some of us left eventually, that included me. Was inactive for a bit before I had interest in hosting again and started my own webhosting company.
That's an impressive beginning. Do you see FacadeHost as your career path?
I started out doing webdesign in the late 90's. Then I started selling hosting back in 2000. Started with shared hosting, then added dedicated, colocation. Worked for a few local ISP's in Dallas over the past 10 years... The Planet, Layered Technologies, and Now CoreXchange. Very proud to be here offering hosting to the hosters. :) It's been great to be on the starting end of some of the big hosting companies out there today.
I remember helping out a friend selling dedicated servers and whatnot and then I found and got a job working for multiple companies and then from there I ended up working for my current employer, Eleven2, Inc. I started off working customer service and now I am doing sales/ marketing and business development.
i started with just web hosting and an ircd, i had always what to no what was involved with selling hosting, where to go what to do, just the basics really,
the more i learnt about it the more i wanted to no,
and thats where i am today, being my own host...
Started in IT help desk support, moved to programming our company intranet (web programming) Created sites for my church, purchased hosting for these and started dabbling with how cPanel/WHM worked.

Decided starting a web hosting business seemed like a good business opportunity. The rest is history.

I joined a free hosting forum to get some hosting and ended up helping out the owner quite a bit. we started a small hosting company but I had to leave it for personal issues. He continued it for 3 years, I believe and just recently it went offline. About 2 years after that I decided to start up my own hosting company, I got a great deal on a reseller account, worked on the site and idea for about a month and a half and just launched it last week. So far its going pretty good
I've done a lot of domain name reselling, but haven't yet dabbled in web hosting. How does someone get started in this? It seems like a smart option. Any tips would be appreciated.

my partner in the company already runs a successful local based north yorks web hosting company and he got me on boardto help with the new venture, with it being a specific niche area we figuered it would either work really well or not at all lol, so thats how i got started, good luck, think we all need a bit:uhh: