How do you deal with stress

Take a bath, a very hot bath as hot as I can handle. Then after about half an hour I find it hard to breath, I stay in still though untill I can take it no more. I then jump out nearly unconscious and fall onto a towel. For the next half and hour all you think about is the cool and breathing. It really works.
Well... as far as I know Voltion's practice (therapy) puts a lot of strain on the heart. It's also quite dangerous in the sense that you risk losing your conscience before you get on the towel and you might brake your neck in the fall... or you could lose your conscience while in the bath... Anyway, definitely don't try it if you have a heart problem. (Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor.)
Also while i'm on a role, here's some more advise kids :

Do drugs, drink till you faint, open beer with your teeth, jump off high buildings, that little voice in your head is God, carrying a weapon is safer than not. No go try these out. :-D
artvision said:
Just ignore the stress.
Easy to say, hard to follow. I am currently under a lot of stress, but I try to manage it with sports activities. Also I think of all the good things that happened to me recently. Works like a charm.
Artashes said:
Easy to say, hard to follow. I am currently under a lot of stress, but I try to manage it with sports activities. Also I think of all the good things that happened to me recently. Works like a charm.

I agree! The positivism and sport helps but sooner or later the stress
will reach most of us.
going out with the girlfriend seems to be good cure for stress :D stay out at pubs/nightclubs till early hours of the next day and then your too tired to care about stress :D
When dealing with stress I try to remember two key points :

Don't Take It Out on Other People
Don't Self Harm

I just listen to some aggressive music, or go watch a movie :)
Stewart said:
going out with the girlfriend seems to be good cure for stress :D stay out at pubs/nightclubs till early hours of the next day and then your too tired to care about stress :D

This can cause a financial stress. ;)
Thanks to my friend Denis I can recommend
you the most effective Diet for stress. :beer:

DIET FOR STRESS: This diet is designed to help you cope with the
stress that builds up during the day.

1/2 grapefruit
1 slice whole wheat toast
8 oz. skim milk
4 oz. lean broiled chicken breast
1 cup steamed spinach
1 cup herb tea
1 Oreo cookie
Mid-Afternoon snack:
The rest of Oreos in the package
2 pints Rocky Road ice cream, nuts, cherries and whipped cream
1 jar hot fudge sauce
2 loaves garlic bread
4 cans or 1 large pitcher Coke
1 large sausage, mushroom, and cheese pizza
3 Snickers bars
Late Evening Snack:
Entire frozen Sara Lee cheesecake (eaten directly from freezer)

Additional Rules for this Diet:
1. If you eat something and no one sees you eat it, it has no calories.
2. When you eat with someone else, calories don't count if you do
not eat more than they do.
3. Food used for medicinal purposes NEVER count, such as hot chocolate,
brandy, toast and Sara Lee Cheesecake.
4. If you fatten up everyone else around you, then you look thinner.
5. Things licked off knives and spoons have no calories if you
are in the process of preparing something.
6. Anything consumed while standing has no calories. This is due
to gravity and the density of the caloric mass.
7. Anything consumed from someone else's plate has no calories
since the calories rightfully belong to the other person and
will cling to his/her plate.


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