How do you know your Web Hosting Provider can be trusted?


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How do you know your Web Hosting Provider can be trusted?

Many companies offers web hosting services. How do you know they can be trusted of protecting your data? What if something happen like losing, corrupted, or stolen of your data stored on their servers?
How do you know your Web Hosting Provider can be trusted?

Many companies offers web hosting services. How do you know they can be trusted of protecting your data? What if something happen like losing, corrupted, or stolen of your data stored on their servers?

Keep a backup and never register your domain with the hosting company. Those are the keys to success. Almost every terms of service, I have seen in the industry, the provider puts the responsbility of backups on the customer. At the end of the day, your responsible for data loss or backups.

Make sure to do your research on a provider that is the best way to gain trust.
Well. It depends of the type of web hosting services and the service level agreements and TOS the providers offer. In general web hosts must offer back up on shared hosting and on vps hosting. When it comes to dedicated hosting the customer is responsible to back up their information
I'm curious - what regulation are you referencing?

As am I.

@Zachary, I agree. It's really your own responsibility to backup your data. Data backups IMO don't really have much to do with trust though. It's definitely a pro if they do it. Just today I saved a client of mine from losing his entire database, so I'm sure he won't be going anywhere :)

I'd agree not to register domains with the host as most tend to try to keep you around if they can. On the topic of "how to know they can be trusted".. 100% transparency is crucial IMO. If they're using privacy protection I'll bet they are hiding something(just my opinion), or if the deals sound WAY to good to be true, then bet they are.

Support is one of the most important aspects to consider. I'm not saying that they should resolve your ticket in 5 minutes, but the manner in which the support team deals with you is VERY important. "I'll look into that for you, thank you for your patience" is far better than "I don't know, did you google it?" :)
If your web host provider fulfill below mentioned requirement then it trusted:

-> Timely update when you exceed bandwidth or disksapce
-> Free setup on initial stage
-> 24X7 fast professional support
-> Latest hardware configuration of server
-> 99.99% network SLA
-> 100% uptime guarantee
-> Excellent availability and security of your hardware
If your web host provider fulfill below mentioned requirement then it trusted:

-> Free setup on initial stage
-> Latest hardware configuration of server
-> 100% uptime guarantee
-> Excellent availability and security of your hardware

I Cannot see how any of these indicate that the user should trust a provider, just because say a garage has a building open in normal hours, using the latest equipment, with no initial cost doesn’t mean Id pick them over say the garage a member of the family works at.

Trust isn’t something that could be measured by the features that are listed there, it’s more of a case of recommendation and personal experience, and personally those features are to be desired. “100% uptime” is an impossibility which raises alarm bells immediately. Look out for offers that are too good to be true and also expect to get what you pay for service wise (discounting special offers in most cases) as well as offers that are physically impossible which will dictate service quality.

Using providers that utilise PayPal, SSL and money back guarantees are advisable as PayPal will handle disputes promptly and effectively. However the best defence against fraudulent hosts is both their time trading, reviews and overall public opinion and not that of fake reviews. Forums such as HD are great sources for such information to help find a reputable host :)
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I Cannot see how any of these indicate that the user should trust a provider, just because say a garage has a building open in normal hours, using the latest equipment, with no initial cost doesn’t mean Id pick them over say the garage a member of the family works at.

Trust isn’t something that could be measured by the features that are listed there, it’s more of a case of recommendation and personal experience, and personally those features are to be desired. “100% uptime” is an impossibility which raises alarm bells immediately. Look out for offers that are too good to be true and also expect to get what you pay for service wise (discounting special offers in most cases) as well as offers that are physically impossible which will dictate service quality.

Using providers that utilise PayPal, SSL and money back guarantees are advisable as PayPal will handle disputes promptly and effectively. However the best defence against fraudulent hosts is both their time trading, reviews and overall public opinion and not that of fake reviews. Forums such as HD are great sources for such information to help find a reputable host :)

Agreed! Anyone can promise anything. Trust is not gained until the back it up.
Even if the host promises back up, always be responsible for backing up your own data. You can't go wrong that way and you won't be kicking yourself when your data is lost!
well,, i have trust on my webhosting company. cause of they providing me alot of things in very reasonable price. also i dont have to wory about loosing my data,, I care, I have backup system so i can protect it myself and also my hosting provider give me MysQl backup system on only just one click so its protected also. .... its hard to find some good and trusted hosting on ineternt but i think if u choose some high ranked hosting for ur site,, you wont be disoppointed. cheers
I assume your own experience will tell you about that. If you are with web hosting provider and you are looking to stay with it.
I assume that is the best sign that you are with the trusted company
For choosing an honest and reliable web hosting service provider, its important to check for reviews on external review sites as well as check the customer testimonials.In addition to that you may make use of certain web tools to know the details of the servers, the data center,and the registration information. You may usually find reviews about web hosting companies on some of the most popular web hosting forums.
I Cannot see how any of these indicate that the user should trust a provider, just because say a garage has a building open in normal hours, using the latest equipment, with no initial cost doesn’t mean Id pick them over say the garage a member of the family works at.

Agree especially as his list included "100% uptime guarantee":crazy2:
How do you know anything in the world can be trusted? Are you researching, checking reviews, asking those who have dealt with the service/product/thing you are taking an interest in?

If you can not research properly there is no point in getting new things (no matter what the thing can be), right?
If you are choosing free web hosting services, I think you should not host a website which is very important to you and you wish to earn money from it.

However, if you are doing this, take regular backups for your data and make sure that you do not hand over your domain name details to them.
Research, research and then do more research. Look at forums like HostingDiscussion or and do a full search of the company.

You might also want to search: Google, Yahoo or Bing and find unique content that you would have other wise missed. I personally would get a list of questions together that are important to you. Once you know of about 5 hosting companies that caught your eye ask all 5 the same questions and see how they answer them. I hope I've been helpful. Best of luck!
Fisrt,you should check the company's information,then you can check the company's products and services,if necessary you can give a test to the company,If the company provide the best service,you are able to trust it,beacuse it is gained by your own experience.
One way to check the reliability of a web hosting provider is to review the statements from other customers. Find out if they have experienced problems in the past. Also, see what steps the web hosting provider has taken to ensure that they are reliable and that if they have a problem it will be corrected quickly.

This means that you should look for things such as redundancy in their equipment. Find out what their percentage of down time is by reviewing their website. Most web hosting companies provide service that is quite reliable; however you'll want to steer away from those with poor track records.
Research, research and then do more research. Look at forums like HostingDiscussion or and do a full search of the company.

You might also want to search: Google, Yahoo or Bing and find unique content that you would have other wise missed. I personally would get a list of questions together that are important to you. Once you know of about 5 hosting companies that caught your eye ask all 5 the same questions and see how they answer them. I hope I've been helpful. Best of luck!

Very good advice, Lindi. :thumbup:
Would also do a search of the that providers domain + reviews.
I really never looked into this. I once heard of a story of a host that was stealing DBs and posting them up on a Forum.

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