How much did you earn from hosting reselling?


New member
Hi all. Just wondering how much did you earn from hosting reselling. $0 a month? $10? $100? or more than $1000? Perhaps senior member that managed to earn a lot from reselling can share some tips to other newbie like me so we can tap into the market for some cut of the share? Hehe.
Well starting off it was quite low, mabye around $20-40. After about 1-2 months I got about $100. I was never able to get over $1000, though I didn't expect to at that time. I hear when I sold it off, they are making less now. Turns out the people who bought the place were just some kiddies. So their support and services lacked and I guess people left.

But I'd think to support yourself, you'd need to atleast make $1000. I'm not saying $1000 including servers etc.. $1000 "profit" excluding server/domain etc.. costs.
$1000 profit ain't very much... you can do that with a single server if you are a good manager.
Resellers are just the starting point for all of this. The fun begins with buying a dedicated server, licenses, managing it, etc.
Wow.. Looks like there are some gaps on people that make too much money and too little by reselling. Hostnola, you surely earn a lot by reselling. Care to share how much you make per month and how long does it take before you managed to earn more than $1000 per month. Any tips would be very much appreciated. I'll be more than happy if I can make more than $100 per month :p
hostnola said:
Much more than $1000/month. Much Much More.

This is how much you make after you minus your expenses? Or do you profit before you pay your other bills? Just curious!

That is a lot for reselling, do you prefer it over getting your own severs/vps?
Hopefully you can make that $1000 mark of profit, but realistically in the beg, you have to expect some loss.
I think I have chose this business at a wrong time. The competition has grown many folds, and it is very hard today to survive in this industry unless you provide a good service. I am slowly growing in this field. I could make some 15$ a month and I hope this will definetly improve in future.
When I was reselling for GoDaddy, I was making $100 per month. I didn't enjoy it, as it ended up taking up a ton of my time. I decided that reselling was a waste of time, and since then I've either run my hosting company on my own server or simply configured servers for other companies. Reselling is only profitable for a lucky few.
Well, we obviously don't resell but based on customers sites and the number of accounts I can say we have quite a few customers making thousands of dollars over several reseller accounts over several servers.

Selling to your local market at $30/month compared to the same package going for $2/month to a global market makes this all possible for them. Host a bunch of mom and pop businesses with no need for much support they put up the site pay for a year and forget about it.
Quite a lot more though we have been operating since 2003. Your support is the key to your growth, if you can't provide it people wont be willing to stick around ;)
Have no web site. Provide web hosting service only for my freelance web design customers. I do not have any web site for web hosting but have reseller account. gives good service as well as (have accounts on both.)
My income for web hosting not so big as from designing. But worth to have.
I never was a reseller really, I jumped in and purchased my first server some 3 years ago and everyone told me I was crazy as there were thousands of hosting and resellers companies out there. In reality I was a reseller of a company called Alabanza when I started.

Without giving away all my earning our revenue is well into the 6 figures, we are growing at about 20% percent per month. -- but we do a lot more than Linux web hosting.

we resell hosted exchange as a reseller, we offer shoutcast hosting and have a few radio stations that we now power, we have unmanaged collocation space in Toronto - We sell windows, and Linux dedicated servers. We are always trying to keep ahead of the curve.

we just completed testing of flash media servers and those will launch on March 1 as well as Microsoft Communication server hosting on the same day! teh Communication Server from Microsoft is still new and i am sure we will be one of the few - we will leverage that with press releases etc and direct email to our existing customers.

the best advice i can give - think more than linux hosting and visit customers in your area and cold call and ring some door bells.

it is working for us -

if you don't have the capital to go this route, then partner with a company that can help you as a reseller by giving you all the automated tools you need to succeed.
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