How much resources are your clients using?


When I looked at the usage statistics for my customers I was pretty surprised! Most of them are barely using any resources they bought when I expected them to at least use a few hundred megabytes. In reality most of my customers are using <100MB. How about you guys?
Depends on the recourses you gave them.
If you give them 100gb disk space and 1000gb bandwidth for a personal website then they will never reach that limit.

But yes most clients never use their recourses. The most common is <1gb disk space and <10gb bandwidth for a personal website :)
Depends really, some hardly use any, then we have some dedicated clients who have gameservers and use a lot.

SHOUTcast is another heavy one.

People rarely use ALL the resources, but for us we are constantly having to up our network capacity, that is the big one + power.
We see a fair number clients using close to 100% of their allocated resources, but probably more than 50% use somewhere around 10%.
It seems 10% use 80+% of their resources. The other 90% use minimal amounts.

Obviously depends on the type of clients, and the resources offered in each plan

A quick glance through the stats/resources for one of our brands

9% are using < 25%
17% of clients are using 25 - 50%
62% of clients are using 50 - 75%
8% of clients are using 75% - 100%
5% of clients are using > 100%
of resources allocated to their plan
I would say it all depends on what type of sites you are hosting , some clients will use a lot of bandwidth and some may use a lot of disk space for example if your hosting a lot of sites where they will get many views then they will use a lot of bandwidth, as on the other hand if you host clients that have big sites then they will use lots of disk space and so on.
So lucky, many customers using our services don't have many visitors. I can take care all of them easier. As normal, 25% cpu usage on 90seconds are allowed for shared server, but with cloudlinux (which we 're using), it just show error page and still access Cpanel as well. Cool!
When I looked at the usage statistics for my customers I was pretty surprised! Most of them are barely using any resources they bought when I expected them to at least use a few hundred megabytes. In reality most of my customers are using <100MB. How about you guys?

My shared hosting clients often exceed the disk space , traffic, memory and Cpu limits.In this case they are sent a notification with a suggestion to stop exceeding the resources or moving their sites to a dedicated or VPS server instead.

This is an example of the server overload by one of the users:

top - 11:28:20 up 19 days, 7:22, 2 users, load average: 38.13, 30.58, 20.44
205547 ****** 15 0 243m 32m 9644 S 8.2 0.4 0:00.25 /usr/bin/php /home/******/public_html/index.php
205572 ****** 16 0 236m 24m 9336 R 5.2 0.3 0:00.16 /usr/bin/php /home/******/public_html/index.php
205587 ****** 15 0 229m 18m 8960 S 2.9 0.2 0:00.09 /usr/bin/php /home/******/public_html/index.php
205588 ****** 15 0 229m 17m 8900 S 2.6 0.2 0:00.08 /usr/bin/php /home/******/public_html/index.php
188465 ****** 18 0 105m 1688 956 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 crond
188552 ****** 15 0 228m 14m 8332 S 0.0 0.2 0:00.05 php ./xcron.php ping ************.com /,/nasha-obuv,/nasha-obuv/102/sapogi-00066-detail,/component/virtuemart/cart?Itemid=0
190730 ****** 18 0 105m 1688 956 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 crond
190753 ****** 15 0 228m 14m 8248 S 0.0 0.2 0:00.05 php ./xcron.php ping ************.com /,/nasha-obuv,/nasha-obuv/102/sapogi-00066-detail,/component/virtuemart/cart?Itemid=0
199461 ****** 18 0 105m 1688 956 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 crond
199464 ****** 15 0 228m 14m 8248 S 0.0 0.2 0:00.04 php ./xcron.php ping ************.com /,/nasha-obuv,/nasha-obuv/102/sapogi-00066-detail,/component/virtuemart/cart?Itemid=0
202807 ****** 18 0 105m 1688 956 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 crond
202832 ****** 18 0 228m 14m 8248 S 0.0 0.2 0:00.04 php ./xcron.php ping ************.com /,/nasha-obuv,/nasha-obuv/102/sapogi-00066-detail,/component/virtuemart/cart?Itemid=0
205016 ****** 18 0 105m 1688 956 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 crond
205258 ****** 18 0 228m 14m 8244 S 0.0 0.2 0:00.04 php ./xcron.php ping ************.com /,/nasha-obuv,/nasha-obuv/102/sapogi-00066-detail,/component/virtuemart/cart?Itemid=0
When I looked at the usage statistics for my customers I was pretty surprised! Most of them are barely using any resources they bought when I expected them to at least use a few hundred megabytes. In reality most of my customers are using <100MB. How about you guys?

This is what makes web hosting successful and why such concepts as overselling, offering huge and unlimited quota work. Not only is low usage the norm, but you will be amazed on how many customers are not even using your service. By using those underutilized services for additional signups (aka: overselling) you improve your bottomline and keep prices down.
This is an example of the server overload by one of the users:

A word of advice - next time you post information related to a client, you might want to X out their name & domain name. The last thing you want to have happen is that this forum gets indexed with your clients information - they find it, get annoyed that you're talking about them, and then they cancel with you.
A word of advice - next time you post information related to a client, you might want to X out their name & domain name. The last thing you want to have happen is that this forum gets indexed with your clients information - they find it, get annoyed that you're talking about them, and then they cancel with you.

Was thinking the same thing... :shocked:

Maybe Art can edit the post and remove any content that violates the client's privacy.

@suppoB - Aside from the client not being very happy about this, it can also have legal ramifications as well.. Not to mention is just bad business.
What I don't get is if you see a server is coming to capacity then why not get another server and move the clients to make more room or lessen the impact on resources.
What I don't get is if you see a server is coming to capacity then why not get another server and move the clients to make more room or lessen the impact on resources.


You could also do what we do, keep your servers at approx. 70% full, but even this could still mean moving some clients to other servers
When I looked at the usage statistics for my customers I was pretty surprised! Most of them are barely using any resources they bought when I expected them to at least use a few hundred megabytes. In reality most of my customers are using <100MB. How about you guys?

Yes, many clients are purchasing the additional disk space and bandwidth to secure any sudden increase in the traffic/disk space and they don't want to face the down time because of disk space and bandwidth restriction. In that case , if you would like to compromise with the revenue then you can check the last three months disk space and bandwidth usage and update to client that no need to purchase higher plan as your hosting account is not utilizing it but I don't think any hosting provider can take such steps.....:thumbup:
if you would like to compromise with the revenue then you can check the last three months disk space and bandwidth usage and update to client that no need to purchase higher plan as your hosting account is not utilizing it but I don't think any hosting provider can take such steps.....:thumbup:

I dont think many hosts would do this unless the host is not bothered about the revenue.

Most hosting clients never use their full allocation of resources that they purchased, thats the reason many hosts oversell resources
We are not in shared hosting, only VPS, and by browsing our nodes stats i can say that the situation is different, most of the people use all the resources that they signed up for.

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