How to know who manage a website.


New member
Hello to all

I am new to forum, and I am coming here because I found very intelligent users here and for getting some useful information.

There is any way to know who manage a website?


If I am not using my own computer as a host.
I am managing my website in joomla cms with my computer.

Please Reply.
Not 100% sure what your asking but

You can who is the domain name and see who the owner is. Sometimes they have webmaster contact information?
If you have a website, and you have the CMS access to Joomla, then essentially YOU are the one who is managing the website.

If you are looking for who is your hosting provider, then you can use and type in the domain name to see who the technical support is for the domain name. From there, you can usually obtain the hosting company information.
You just go through this link and enter the domain name where you will get the whole information of the hosting provider and if you are managing your own website in Joomla CMS then you are the only owner.


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Hello to all

I am new to forum, and I am coming here because I found very intelligent users here and for getting some useful information.

There is any way to know who manage a website?


If I am not using my own computer as a host.
I am managing my website in joomla cms with my computer.

Please Reply.

YOU manage the website in joomla cms with your computer. ;)
If you purchase the hosting plan from any hosting provider and you upload the site to publish world wide, still YOU manage the site. :smash:
Today there are still very few webmasters (compared to the number of webmasters and websites published on the net) who host their websites on their own servers. Most of them use servers provided by hosting providers. You are still be able to manage your own website. :)
You could check whois, or view the source code of the Site, often you have a Meta Tag with the author of the site.

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