How To Maintain and Develop Your Website :


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# The more tightly focused the theme of your website is, the more chance you have of getting it noticed and making it a success.

# By keeping the content fresh and interesting, you greatly improve the chances of your visitors returning to your site and wanting to link to you.The content must be keyword rich because search engines use robots or spiders that will crawl your website and measure the use of your keywords .


Having a great site is not good enough! You have to work on promoting your site so that enough targeted traffic visits your site to make it profitable.

# you can submit your site to the main search engines and wait for them to visit your site and add it to their index.

# You can get other relevant websites to link to you.

# You can write articles relating to the subject of your site and submit these to article directories, remembering to add a link to your website in the article content and authors biography box.

# You can post to forums relating to the subject of your website and add a link to your site in your signature.

# You can add a link to your website in the signature of all the emails you send out.

# By doing some research on the internet, you will also find many other ways to promote you website.

##Meta Tags:

Write title name of your site, description of your site, keywords, etc. Use them on your mini site.


Alwayas notice that your links are active.
These are all good ideas, but be sure to check the rules of any forum you want to add your link to, many don't allow links in the signature, or have strict rules about what can be linked. Better to check twice than be banned or have it removed.
I have one to add....

1. You could also make sure to post a thread about promoting your website, and make sure that your affiliate links are prominant in your signature....

oh wait, gnetbiz787 already knew about that one though. ;)

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