How's your flow?


New member
I'm talking blood flow in the arteries.

For all the Aussies, there's a new initiative:

Basically, from April 7-14, a team of specialists or something along those lines descend upon the nation to test your cholesterol and then shame you into leading a healthy lifestyle. Fun!

Who's gonna have a go?
Some of us live very busy life styles, which causes us to eat unhealthy, because we have to eat whatever we can find quickly...this equates typically to McDonalds and the like. It's fast, it ready, it's's fattening.

When you do this everyday, of course...bad things happen.

You have to take control of your own habits, diet, and exercise program, so that you can take control of your health and body. If your body fails or your health fails, then everything you've been working for toward your success....has already failed because you won't be around too long to enjoy it.
As the saying goes, the best foods in life are always the worst for your body. But they are soooo good.
“Who bothers to cook TV dinners? I suck them frozen.”

I agree with Mark, very busy lifestyles usually tend to lead to poor eating decisions. This is why I try to find time to exercise, and usually go biking for about 15 Km's everyday!