= Scam Operation/poor poor quality makeshift hosting.


New member
Looks like my post got deleted so... here it is again.. I will not let others suffer the misfortune I along with many others have had with this scamming piece of trash..

Let me explain the reason for this post. I would like others to not have the misfortune I have endured because of these @ssholes. :angry: :angry:

First off i had purchased a complete reseller package from these people it included a domain, a completely setup website/layout with scripts, cart and more, 2 months of free hosting, and a great reselling package that was i believe 400gig space with 1000gig bw transfer for around 49.95 per month. I purchased it from Adam Ference/atechweb and paid to have everything transfered over to my name. Shortly after purchasing this the site would go down VERY frequently for long periods of time. I had complained about this to them and NEVER received any support until i got harsh with my words which finally got their attention. This Adam Ference person tried b*llsh*tting me around with the same excuses,"it works fine on our end", "oh the server was being rebooted", "its your computer thats the problem!" and on and on.. Well at this time i was busy on other projects so i didnt bitch as much until it was time to startup my hosting project and get it up and running. At this point i was still having the same trouble and we notice this time that the page went down and we were getting a yahoo page saying something along the lines of "this account has been deleted for violating tos". At this point i was furious because i knew these conmen had set me up on a yahoo hosting account and NOT their own servers like i should have been.. We told them about this and they tried denying everything..

Our emails we sent back and fourth began to get more nasty as im not the person you want to screw over and lie to.. Not long after one of the emails i had replied to had been sent i notice i cannot login to my ftp no cpanel.. I contact this conman repeadtly and he never responds until i threaten him with contacting a lawyer as well as the bbb,ftc etc. He tries to make excuses up claiming that he didnt receive my email then proceeds to tell me that the people he was reselling for shut him down and that i was "screwed" in getting any of my files from there. He then trys to tell me that they are not responsible for any lost files.. Yes thats true.. but that only applies to HOSTING CUSTOMERS not a reseller like myself. Long before this i had asked him to send me the site files zipped up like was originally negotiated in the deal. He never did so and would ignore what i said about that. We found it very odd that he wouldnt back up such a high quality layout.. After bringing these points across to him and threatning him more he finally agrees that he would make me a new layout, give me a better reselling rate and that he would have it to me on or by the 10th of July.

Id like to mention during this time i had a friend of mine named Vladimir from Russia staying with us and when he used my email account to speak with family/friends he would change the "from name" to his name so that they would know who it was emailing them. Vladimir is not very computer illiterate and apparently had not changed back the from name after using my spare email account. I eventually noticed this and explained to them the reason for the from name saying Vladimir. Id also like to note that i signed EVERY email with MY name. Ok well the 10th rolls by and i hadnt received a single email so i email him back asking just wtf was the deal here. I happened to go out of town on buisness and i return on around the 14th and still no replies so i email him once again. This is where it gets even more rediculous. This Adam Ference scammer has the nerve to say this.. This is a quote from the actual email

To: *****@****.com
Subject: :Re
From: "Adam ference" <> Add to Contacts
Date: + Sun, Jul 20 2003 6:50:19 PM0000
See Message Source

i will only send the site to a mr valdimer kaiser as it was him i promised to remake the site for, you did not say in any email that he was a house guest please find a email and prove that to me.

Well i had went through numerous email exchanging with this moron and unfortunately i didnt save every little email that i sent unless it was something i felt would be needed when this day did come around that i never got what was rightfully mine. After getting this rediculous email i was furious. Who in their right mind is going to promise someone they dont even know a freaking complete website/hosting/and reseller package!! I mean come on now how freaking rediculous is that!? This idiot knew damn well who he was dealing with and who made the purchase from him.. "ME" not vladimir who of which NEVER met him nor can speak a single word of english! We believe this conman ran out of excuses and used our poor friend as scapegoat. After this i had responded to him that all the threats that i made in the past.. will now go into action. I have already contacted the BBB, FTC, Paypal, Ebay, lawyer, Reported him for fraud to numerous other agencies and I will be posting about their poor poor poor conmen services on every hosting related board I can find. We came to find out that these people have screwed many others as well.

In closing id like to once again warn everyone of these scammers before they get ripped off like I did. If anyone else has been conned by these criminals and or had the misfortune of using their crappy service please contact me and let me know. The more people we have to file something against these scammers the better a case we can present. As well I am looking for a really good resellers package if anyone can offer me something similar to what I was previously offered.

dinohosting said:
Looks like my post got deleted so... here it is again..
You have only 1 post in this forum. What do you mean exactly that your post got deleted?
Simple, if it was deleted then that would explain for me only having 1 post now, hence if it hadnt been youd notice 2 posts under my name. Every forum script works differently some forums when a post of yours is deleted your post count will reflect that and some it wont. I know for a fact I had made this post here before, oh well its back now and the others that were scammed should be responding as well sometime.
That's not true. HD staff, endowed with mod power, can delete certain posts within a thread, but if your first post STARTED a new thread, they cannot delete it, but move it to hidden forum, saving a thread visible to moderators. I've checked everything - there is no other similar post in 1 day history of you being registered here.

In fact, had no previous post history here at all.


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