Idea for promotion


New member
What do you think of a site that lists every known webhost and reseller along with user reviews of their services? Obviously, it would have to grow over time in order to be comprehensive. How would a site like that be monetized in order to make some money from it?
What do you think of a site that lists every known webhost and reseller along with user reviews of their services? Obviously, it would have to grow over time in order to be comprehensive. How would a site like that be monetized in order to make some money from it?

If you haven't seen already, that idea has been done many of times. Web Host Review sites are very popular on search engines, it is a great way to generate leads for your business. But the best review sites are the ones who are not bias, so the public takes your opinions more serious.

Advertising would be your best source of income from a web hosting review site, plenty of hosting companies love to purchase banner ads on popular review sites, just make sure the banner ads do not get bias ratings. It must be fair for your site to succeed!

Bob's right. Those kinds of sites have been done, and done, and done. You'd have to not just set the site up to have ads (and I would have ads for computer gadgets, design templates, domains, SSL certificates, billing software, merchant accounts...things that someone shopping for hosting might want, but *not* ads for other web hosts), but the reviews would have to be good quality, AND the site would have to be known as being completely and utterly impartial. No top ten lists, no "best web hosts", nothing that a web host (like Lunarpages or GatorHost, to name some biggies) could conceivably weight their own business' exposure. Otherwise, many hosts - myself included - wouldn't really care to sign up for such a directory. And if you don't have content, you won't have many visitors, so you may not be able to continue getting ad revenue.

Get a site going that's utterly neutral, and you may have a shot.
Typically those sites are affiliate link farms and the site makes money when someone clicks on a host and orders and account.
Often fake reviews, based on bad facts and clearly affiliate links when you access them.

I think the best promotion, is to have your company mentioned on serious/bigger forums.. Where potential hosting clients meet and discuss different subject.

My norwegian company made all of their 100 first hosting clients thrugh webmaster forums. Simply by providing good services to the clients, helping them with their issues and maybe also be active on the same forum.

Then potential clients often send you an PM, with inquiry about prices, support, servers and so on...
Also, you could actually try testing various hosting services. Tell them who you are and what you do. Ask for a 7-day trial to test their service. Afterwards write a review and post it. Also, send the company you reviewed a link to their review so they can see what you liked and didn't liked. This would better the company.

Just my 2 cents.
It's a good idea but as already mentioned it has been done countless times before.

If you want to promote your web hosting business in this way I I know a number of companies contact the people who own these types of review sites and pay a fee to be 'reviewed' as the best hosting company.

Something to consider
Get a site going that's utterly neutral, and you may have a shot.

This is what I was talking about. I know there are many review sites out there but most are not objective. Either the site is promoting their own affiliate links or hosts have to pay to be reviewed or both. I would like to see a site with completely objective reviews along with the ability for visitors to comment and rate the hosts, as well.

I disagree with telling the host that you are doing a review. If they know about it, they can make sure you get top notch service because of the review. I would rather see how they are treating ordinary customers as it would be more accurate.
This is what I was talking about. I know there are many review sites out there but most are not objective. Either the site is promoting their own affiliate links or hosts have to pay to be reviewed or both. I would like to see a site with completely objective reviews along with the ability for visitors to comment and rate the hosts, as well.

I disagree with telling the host that you are doing a review. If they know about it, they can make sure you get top notch service because of the review. I would rather see how they are treating ordinary customers as it would be more accurate.

Anything is possible, if you work hard and produce a web site that is not biased you might be able to stick out.
Adding your web host to web host directories help a lot when you want to get the word on there. There is no doubt about that.

Some directories charge a fee to add your website to the list (which I avoid doing) There are other proactive ways to spread the word than throw money at web host directory.

As mentioned many big hosts like Gator/Lunar etc dominate web host directories and are mentioned everywhere when some one searches for a web host - we cannot escape that.

Try find a "niche" - a good selling point that separates you from the rest.
Bear in mind that you need to target the right audience as well.

Press releases are also a nice way to get the word out there.

Good luck :thumbup:
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If you're going to be newtral you have to NOT accept affiliate payments and advertising from hosting companies. MANY of the review sites (if not MOST/ALL) collect payments in some mannor. As a result, their opinions are biased. Often the TOP listing places are PAID results. The higher comissions being listed as the #1 host etc.

It's like the Testimonials on a site. Anyone can write it, edit it and slap a fake name on there. Years ago, HostReview had a great system in place in which people could put in reviews etc, and host themselves COULD NOT access the area to review it. This was wonderful as you can see what people really think about a hosting company. It's too bad that over the years their site fell to disrepair and now parts do not function at all :(
tons of them and I don't trust a one!

They give the top slots to those hosts who pay the highest fees. It has nothing to do with the actual quality of the host. Sad really.
What do you think of a site that lists every known webhost and reseller along with user reviews of their services? Obviously, it would have to grow over time in order to be comprehensive. How would a site like that be monetized in order to make some money from it?

For newer sites prefer Google adsense or Adbrite this is the best way to monitise the site at least it will pay for your hosting needs.

The idea is good but many sites are there for competition try to promote in better way

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