If you were going to build your own datacenter


New member
I know this isn't really a lounge type subject, but this a hypothetical question, so I thought I'd post in here and generate some discussion amongst you. I do not know much about this subject so I'm just going to sit back and read the replies.

So if you were to build your own datacenter, where would you build it and why?

Leading onto the second part:

So you've now decided where you want to build your datacenter what would you put in it?

I'm not asking you to give any business secrets away here.

Discuss away.
High ground to avoid flooding issues.
Within current limits of fibre connection to a major telco / core Internet route (Linx etc...) to ensure good comms
Cheap land, why pay for high price accomodation, a DC is a lights out affair with little or no public visitors.
Plain building in obscure location with no outward signage - don't want to tell the local criminals etc... there's a warehouse full of servers for the taking !

What to put in it...
The usual power / aircon
Raised floor & overhead trunking.
Redundant cabling (power & data) with differing physical routing through the building.
Backup generators
Fire systems etc...

What else do you put in a DC ? A DC is just a building full of computers & comms equipment :)

Server types would depend on customer requirement. I'm presuming you're looking at an Internet / Web Hosting environment, if so, then shed loads of blade servers for the standard comodity servers, perhaps some high spec units if there was the demand.

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