Image Barrel - HUGE Free Image Hosting Site - FOR SALE - 60,000 Monthly Uniques


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The website is now for sale!

Site Statistics:

Images Hosted: 55,000+
Number of Servers: 3
Monthly Cost of Servers: $255 ($85 * 3)
Google Adsense Revenue: $400 for May 2005

Site Details:

Image Barrel is a free image hosting service that takes little time to maintain, apart from the daily moderation of images and deletion of those that violate the Terms of Service. This task is dealt with and made easy with the use of a custom built script of over 6000 lines.

Over the past few months the site has grown vastly in popularity and is fast becoming one of the big Image Hosting sites, with around 700-1000 images being uploaded daily.

Visitor statistics can be provided on request.

The buyer will have an optional period of consultancy and will also receive documents detailing the procedure for changing and setting up additional servers if required.

Included With the Site:

§ The entire site along with all uploaded images and the uploads database
§ Source code of the script that powers the site̕
§ Free consultation via e-mail on all aspects of the site, for 30 days after payment has been made and ownership transferred.
§ Transfer of the domains and to yourself via Name Cheap or other registrar.
§ Transfer of the servers to yourself via Sagonet should you wish to continue using them. If you would prefer to use your own servers we can aid you in transferring the site across.


There is currently one offer for $1000, although we are looking to achieve more than this.

At the moment there is no Buy It Now price, although we are likely to set one once we know what kind of price the site is likely to sell for.

Payment can be taken via PayPal, NOCHEX, or Cheque (UK only in Pounds Sterling).

Contact Details:

You can contact me via PM on this forum, or email me at
There are 1000 images being uploaded daily.
How much daily time does it really take to moderate a site like this, to make sure nothing violates TOS?

Also, in this script, if admin approves a picture, then a user updates it to, say, something that is against your TOS, does it send notification to admin for verification again?

The work is spread between three of us, although it the images don't take that long to moderate.

The moderation script shows all of the images uploaded by each IP, and this is much quicker than moderating each image individually. On average it takes me about 5 minutes to moderate around 200 images, sometimes it's quicker than that.

Also, the script doesn't allow the user to modify their images, once it's uploaded thats it. The user just uploads the new image and every image uploaded is automatically added to the moderation queue.
Cool. What are the server specs and how much resources does the site consume from each server? And in total?

The servers have a low CPU load, although memory useage is usually high.

The three servers are 1.7GHz Celerons with 512MB RAM. They run cPanel which helps greatly with the management of the servers.

Bandwidth useage for May was around 2500GB.

AWStats for May can be seen at

The bandwidth useage on each server generally ranges between 30GB and 60GB daily.
We've been messed around by one buyer, sale is now back on.

Again, PM me or email if you require more information or would like to make an offer.

We're looking for a quick sale now, if you would like to buy outright, the price is $3800.

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