Interested in Reseller Hosting


New member
I am interested in reseller hosting. What is the cheapest reseller hosting you have found. I will probably give it a stab in a couple months so I am just doing my research.
There's always good deals in the offers forum. Or check out the hosting showcase. <promo snipped> Make sure you look around before choosing a host, there's a lot out there that take advantage of their clients. Also I'd recommend to stay far away from "unlimited" or "unmetered" plans. Hosts that offer that are hugely over selling and will usually suspend your account if your usage is high.
Good luck, my friend
If you're new to hosting which I presume you are, the above comments stick true to any form of hosting "the unlimited ploy" and I would agree strongly in firstly looking through the marketing section.

That said when you choose a host however especially if you have limited knowledge in the use of control panels, scripts and similar having good support is key... check out the support and then shortlist any hopeful hosts, phone support is often a big plus if you do become a reseller and don't be afraid to test them over time before you buy.

As a rule of thumb somewhat, don't let your price be what sets you apart, make it your support/commitment as such having a provider with the same views and commitment is advisable lookout also for SLAs (service level agreements), uptime guarantees etc

As for resellers providers I'm yet to hear of one that has a firm recommendation, mainly as many start with good intention and eventually oversell the servers or move to unlimited packages and as such have the same effect.

Hope that helps
That is so weird, why do they offer this unlimited stuff though? It just doesn't make any since to me. I never make a decision based on price, by the way. Sometimes you just end of getting what you pay for ;)
The unlimited offer is simply a marketing tool used by larger companies to attract those new to hosting or unaware of the problems it causes. However you wouldn't see a computer sales person recommending a computer due to its "unlimited, CPU, RAM and Hard drive" which essentially these hosts claim, and yet many fall into the trap somewhat.

As most know the limitations are laid out in the terms of service and as human nature we don't as consumers read such documents, remember the "next, next, next" of installing a program ;)

The price suggestion was more for "your" advertising/packages rather than anything else as many firstly try low prices with resellers and then realise that the support is if anything what will make the difference, ontop of the usual expectations of a client.
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Cool thanks a lot so much for your help. I will be looking around at the forums and I am sure asking a lot of newbie
Going with the cheapest possible solution may not always be the best as you ultimately get what you pay for. When looking for reseller hosting you should look for one that does not oversell and provides a reasonable allocation of resources. This is especially if you're actually going to be reselling your disk space to your clients.
As others have mentioned, cheap cannot be good (especially in reseller hosting). One reseller may mean dozens of sub-accounts. A reseller hosting company cannot be profitable unless they "oversell" cheap reseller hosting plans heavily.

I would not venture too far away from the major reseller hosting companies such as HostGator, Site5 or JustHost (to name a few). The main reason being that should you be unsatisfied being on one server, you could potentially be moved to another server.
Cheapest is not necessarily the best. Please let us what sort of budget and requirements that you have so that we can make a few recommendations for you
Cheapest is sometimes good and sometimes bad really depends on what your looking for. Go for a host that doesn't over sell this way you know the server want be overly clogged.
I have in the past used and had no problems. The really went above and beyond what they had to. I'd still be using them if I didn't have my own servers.

Best of luck to you on your search,
I would not venture too far away from the major reseller hosting companies such as HostGator, Site5 or JustHost

Justhost started its reseller hosting service only a few months ago. I wouldn't call them a major company in this field. Plus, they don't have anywhere near the years of existence of Hostgator either, not to mention Site5. :)
Are you sure you want the cheapest you can find? That might not be the best route to take. Look at some companies and talk to them, contact their support and or sales staff and see what response you get. I highly recommend Site5 for reseller accounts. They are not the cheapest but they are a pleasure to work with.

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I'd prefer to spend more money for customer support, uptime and other things rather then just space/bandwidth. I've had many problems in the past with companies having great prices but horrible support they can't handle.
Unlimited offers! are deepens on your Host..! You have to clear about that ...! Other Reseller Host... I have clear process.. NO OVERLOADING SERVER! {That's my truth}!
What does "deepens on your Host" mean? :confused:

"You have to clear about that ...!" :smash:

Sure, I mean to say... When you see -such kind of OFFER! I mean Unlimited Offer! You should ask the Hosting Company - What do you mean by Unlimited Reseller Hosting? Check the Hole website about SLA, and most important the Price... Remember - VERY Cheap Reseller Hosts are overseller.. High Price Unlimited Reseller just Rob you. so always go with resealable price!... :) I mean to say Just be careful!

Have a Nice Time! :D