IPv6 is it important in this time?


New member
Who are operate a Data Center and have your own AS. Do you think IPv6 is important in this period? Do your customer ask you about IPv6 ? Or IPv6 is only a selling point ?
Do you think IPv6 is important in this period?
Anyone with an AS# and who isn't already IPv6 enabled or implemeting v6 now, will find themselves losing business over the next 12-24 months to thos eof us who have been fully IPv6'd for nearly 10 years !

Do your customer ask you about IPv6 ?
No, but that's largely because outside of the Far-East, almost no "consumer" has equipment IPv6 ready to access v6 services.
Yes, when you have AS#, you may got your IPv6 address too. But you may need to config each for your dedicated servers.
IPv6 is not really used much yet as quite a few ISP do not really fully support it yet. But they will need to do so very soon as IPv4 is getting depleted very very fast. Since this is getting depleted fast, there's no way of replenishing them so a new method needs to be introduced which is basically IPv6.

Perhaps right now, there's not a big demand for it but in time to come, you will notice that there will be more and more people wanting it and using it as a replacement to IPv4.

Personally, I don't really see IPv6 picking up anytime soon. It would take at least1-2 years before most if not all ISP to enable IPv6. This is something which is not easily done by them before it is costly and all.
I don't really think so, cloud would be my first worry before this.

IPv6 is still a bit away.
We know IPv4 is the best but you can't decide everything upon your choice. That's what the result is - IPv6. Since IPv4 are limited so we have to move.

As far as the active use of IPv6 is concerned, i think it will take few years more.
Yeah, question is really kind of mute. IPs are running out. We are all going to have to learn to accomodate the new version. Don't see where we will have any choice.
Yes, IPv6 is important. We provide both IPv4 and IPv6, although the latter is not in great demand. We do have to accommodate for the eventual and gradual shift to IPv6 when IPv4's become unavailable.
Well, IPv4 addresses are running out (actually it's been rumoured that RIPE has already ran out of them), so in the next 1-2 years we can expect a rapid increase in numbers of IPv6 users.
I think yes, because IPV4 is depleting so fast! Some NIC allocated so many that the have barely some to allocate!
In the other hand, in order to work with IPV6, most of the internet might need a rework. Most programs and routers are to be run on IPV4's.