Is Internet Marketing Over?

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Is Internet Marketing dead from all the hype and competition online? As many people might think this, the opposite is actually true.

The Internet is growing and becoming much more resourceful each year. Millions of peoples are now coming online to take educational classes, chat with old friends, play online games, or pay their bills. In addition, you also have social sites where millions of people flock to discuss specific subjects such as American idol, Nascar, or Golf. With this in mind, it is clear to see that Internet Marketing is not irrelevant and is becoming more relevant and a possible business platform for someone seeking to escape the rat race.

But there is a “catch”, and that is over 80% of people never get a check of over $100, 15% get the occasional check and the remaining 5%; or the ones who are willing to treat it as a real business, are the ones who get the monthly checks.

Education is Key?

There’s literally dozens of books advertised online on websites that make claims of easy earnings. Most of the programs out there though are what they call “rehashed stuff” meaning someone gets resell rights of other people’s ideas and market them under their own name, or sum up another programs ideas and give it a new name. This is common , but a factor to keep note of.

Despite all books and resources, what internet marketing and making money online boils down to is how to implement the knowhow. No books nor any marketing courses can come anywhere close to pure practical experience. This is the same with any business venture; whether online or offline.

What’s the Verdict?

If you want to make money online learning how to market is the first step. The key is planning and setting up basic strategies that can aim at paid or free traffic, and executing these strategies successfully. The activities with the highest leverage should be key also to anyone looking to go from “0 to 60” online, and these include keyword research, finding profitable markets and partners, and getting information on affiliate networks, guides and a variety of valuable resources.

By treating internet marketing like a real business, applying a business-like mindset to your goals, results, and activities, things will eventually begin to snowball and you will naturally come up with better ideas, resources, and even products that can lead to greater success.
You have definitely spent some time to write that cool article. Nice points mentioned like why most advertised and money making schemes over the net might not work greatly because even the admins of those projected businesses do not know exactly how to do internet marketing. Without having clear objectives all attempts would be in vein, even if a lot of cash has been spent on obtaining them.
I think what kills so many people about the internet that own a business and want to engage in an online presence is the false notions that you just pop up a website and they come running with buckets of money. Then the people get let down because it does not happen. At that point they begin to think it is worthless.
I saw a marketing company sell many websites to people, and all they got in the end was a simple web page on their site with a counter and a contact form and charged them $1k and promised it would be worth it. Most of them didn't get any traffic from it and were very upset.
My father paid for special advertising on the site and has yet to see any traffic from it yet they charge lots of money for it. I have had their reps tell me that they could really help us out by only charging us when there is a click through to his site for only $40 per click. Someone is making major dough on that but sad to say it most likely is not the customer.
Rant over.
Creating web site is easy but promotion and doing SEO is very difficult.

Here, you have to be much practical to do it effectively.
A very wise man, an internet marketing mentor of mine once answered to the following question: why don't everyone engage in IM if it's really profitable like they say. Answer: 90% of the people don't have the will power and determination to endure the efforts of successful IM. That is why you don't have to be afraid of the competition.
Smart marketing is required wherever there's marketing, whether internet marketing or offline marketing. You need to analyze your target market, their trends of internet usage and your own resources for marketing and then go for it.
But there is a “catch”, and that is over 80% of people never get a check of over $100, 15% get the occasional check and the remaining 5%; or the ones who are willing to treat it as a real business, are the ones who get the monthly checks.

thats a real dampener so only 5% are actually making money
Great article!

There are so many facets of Internet Marketing that anyone can get overwhelmed.

Don't give up there are many opportunities on the internet and new ones added everyday!
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