Is it worth the time and expense to host my site on my colleague's server?


New member
My colleague offered to host my website on his server? Is it worth the time and effort? If he is a one person business, the response time will be slower but more personable. Just wondering if the pros outweigh the cons?
My colleague offered to host my website on his server? Is it worth the time and effort? If he is a one person business, the response time will be slower but more personable. Just wondering if the pros outweigh the cons?

Being a one man business means nothing, you will be surprised at how many web hosting businesses are one man operations.

I have ran my hosting business as a one man business since i started in 1999 and apart from the time i sleep (1 am til 7 am) i respond to support and any requests normally within 15 minutes, but no longer than 30 minutes.
There is many companies are running by one man. it's not matter if it's a big company or small all depend on the person who and how running it
+1 for Backups
(Don't give away the credentials for your domain at your registrar)
I don't think you will have any issues in YOU take regular backups and YOU retain the credentials to your registrar.

I own UnixGuru, but I don't work there full-time, so I have many colleagues who host with me.
It's a tricky one, just ensure that you work with your colleague as you work with any other host. Don't take liberties with one another. You pay on time, and they provide good service.
If they require a compromise, then maybe you should look elsewhere.

I'm assuming this guy does this "on the side", in which case, if your site goes down during the day will he be looking at it?
I work elsewhere as a consultant, but I have full-time employees looking after my systems.

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