is this a good formula for shared hosting


New member
hey i have worked out this formula to work out how much i can sell my server for so here it is
and the prices
so a 5GB plan would have 20GB of bandwidth and it will cost $5.50 Per month

and a 10 GB plan would have 40GB of bandwidth and cost 10.50 per month

are these ok prices ?
and i will have good support and the servers will not be over sold
If the numbers are sustainable (cover your costs and give you a profit), then they're technically OK.

Personally, I would say they're a bit unbalanced, someone using 5GB of space would generally need more than 20GB of data transfer a month.

You also need to have a clear market in mind, and some selling points other than just price, space and data transfer. You're not going to win customers over with those numbers if you go for the general hosting market.
As Dan mentioned, those numbers could turn a profit if you had some other selling points, but by looking at your site, there aren't any.
If the numbers are going to work out for you, I would say that I have a serious doubt. Because, HDD X 4 will never be bandwidth usage. Many a customers use more bandwidth but need very little HDD space.

Also, I would put your offer as pricing range "average" (not high and not overselling). So, you have the extra burden to provide quality service (like good support response time and other customer-pleasing aspects).

Try to work out all these things before you finalize the plan.
All the very best!!
Plan is fine. I would say prices are equal resources given, so it is ok. As long as You would profit from it so that should work.
Most people do use more bandwidth than disk space, but your prices and specs, are okay. You should be able to make a good profit once you start promoting your services.
Most people do use more bandwidth than disk space, but your prices and specs, are okay. You should be able to make a good profit once you start promoting your services.

Really? You were able to determine that from the OP?
What is his cost of operation?

I wasn't able to determine that from the post.
I think the plans are ok. Many people wants a lot of space when buying , but they will use only a little percent.
That can be a good formula but just look around and see what other providers are offering,
you might need to higher or lower spec , price etc.

if you know your niche then your all set, try to aim towards them
There's a lot more to selling space on a server than just the disk and bandwidth allocations. I do wish you the best of luck, it's one of the things you really need to learn as you go.
hmm... I'd recommend bandwidth to be at least 10 to 20 times the amount of disk space. People do use a lot more bandwidth than space usually unless stocking large files like flash files or images that don't get viewed.

And again, if files are viewed thousands of times... Bandwidth is used before filling disk space usually, even if bandwidth is a lot larger.
hey i have worked out this formula to work out how much i can sell my server for so here it is
and the prices
so a 5GB plan would have 20GB of bandwidth and it will cost $5.50 Per month

and a 10 GB plan would have 40GB of bandwidth and cost 10.50 per month

are these ok prices ?
and i will have good support and the servers will not be over sold
Apparently, your site is down right now. Could you give us an update on your business? :D
hey i have worked out this formula to work out how much i can sell my server for so here it is
and the prices
so a 5GB plan would have 20GB of bandwidth and it will cost $5.50 Per month

and a 10 GB plan would have 40GB of bandwidth and cost 10.50 per month

are these ok prices ?
and i will have good support and the servers will not be over sold

Not always correct. Some Chinese products are cheaper than material price. Would you buy the products or think they are scam?

Same for hosting, some plans cost you $0.01 some cost you $20, they might be the same quality.

You may want to increase the bandwidth space.
Many customers are more concerned about traffic.
Do your home work first, then jump in.
Hope this helps.
Ya as said by Namworld, the bandwidth should be 10 or 20 times that of space. So try reframing your formula. Bandwidth gets exceeded if they the get traffic spike.

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