Is Windows Care Tool malicious S/W?


New member
Windows Care Tool is a new fake Windows tool which infects your computer and pretends to be an official Microsoft product. Windows Care Tool tries to scare you into thinking that your computer is infected and needs immediate attention. If you accept to fix the alleged issues, you get directed to buy the full version of this fake utility.

1. In Windows, click on Start and select Run. Type 'shell:appdata' without the quotes. This will open your Application Data folder.
2. Locate any executable file with a random name, example tdywrs.exe (this file will be located directly in the Application Data folder). Right-click this file and choose 'delete'. Make sure that you do not open any sub folders of Application Data, stay in the main folder.
3. Bookmark this page, you may need to refer back to it after computer restart (see next step).
4. After you successfully delete the above file, restart your computer.
It's sad to know how many of fake programmes there are on the web. That amount of times i used to sort out clients in one of my old jobs who downloaded these programmes is crazy, worse to think people put their cc's into them aswell.

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