Issue in terms of addon domain and the related directory


New member
I owned a dedicated ip .At first,the website primary domain ( was binded to this ip.When I visit site with dedicated ip,correspondingly the comes to me.
However,the situation totally changed after I added other domain to the current hosting account as well as created subdomain in Cpanel. When entering dedicated ip in the browser address bar,it went to the addon domain or the subdomain page,not the
Could you tell me why ?I am badly confused with that.
Thank you!
Go into WHM. Under DNS functions, select "Edit DNS Zone".
It will bring up a list of domains, and subdomains.

First select the domain it's currently pointing to. Edit that domains A record to point to the IP it's meant to go to - such as

Note: the addon domain will have a directory, if you only have 1 dedicated IP for said account, it will need to point to the dedicated IP with the directory of the addon domain.
Example: youriphere/addon/domain/directory/

Then select the domain it's meant to point to. Then edit that domains A record to point to the IP in question.

For a list of DNS record types and their functions see this link:


It can be done under cPanel. Just click on "Simple DNS Zone Editor." Delete the A Record for the domain it's currently pointing to. You'll need to replace the A Record of the new addon domain with the IP address "youriphere/addon/domain/directory/"
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Thank you,LocalNode.But I am using shared webhosting,so I don't have WHM. What should I do now ?

It can be done under cPanel. Just click on "Simple DNS Zone Editor." Delete the A Record for the domain it's currently pointing to. You'll need to replace the A Record of the new addon domain with the IP address "youriphere/addon/domain/directory/"
LocalNode,I just want to ask one more question.If I do as what you told I mean to delete the A record of domain name,what if the primary domain of my account?

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