It's been a while - we have a new site :)


HD Community Advisor
Staff member
Hello everyone! It's been a while since I've been on the forums - life and business got in the way, but here I am again :)

As many of you know, myself and my wife run our company and we're quite different than others. Some of you have been on our website before and commented about all the colors etc. Heck, even our office has 6 colors (each wall is different - Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Purple) and our website reflected that too!

We run a Facebook Live every week at 2:30pm CDT on our page, and last Friday we announced that we were moving offices after 5 years at the same location.

Today, we have started the painting process to turn all the colors back to white walls before moving out on the 30th.

But wait, didn't I say something about a website? I sure did. We rebuilt our site, moving it away from how our company can help someone, and moved it to a more "how can Conor and Kim help someone". So the images are personalized with us - still have a few left to do.

If you're bored, have a poke around the site at and see what we did.

If you want to look at the past versions of our site, check out and there are screen grabs of our site (and yours).
I don't need to go to, I remember your previous website very well. It is hard to forget! :D

Congratulations on updating the site. Super easy to navigate. Interesting choice to head towards personalizing the experience. I am not sure if the use of "selfies" was intentional on making things even more friendly, but it definitely makes the business more human.

I've always gotten a kick out of your Facebook live stream shows. Kim is a quite the character. Those who haven't gotten the chance, must definitely look them up.

Good to have you back on the forum! Say hi to Kim. :wave:
Thanks - yeah, we hear from clients all the time that they buy "us" - not the product. And if you think about it, it's been that way for decades. People buy from their corner grocer because they know the guy, and he knows you. I spent $11 on cigars at my local shop as they say "hey conor" when I walk in the door, even though I know I can buy them for $7 online.

So, after years of people saying they "buy Kim & Conor" - we decided to break the mold and be a little more "us" on the site. Still professional (ish?), but definitely more personable.

We're hoping to change our Facebook live stream here shortly too - making them short 5-7 minute personal videos and then the more detailed or SEO/Design focused items being housed on our Youtube Channel. (only 900 more subscribers on YouTube before we can get a link back to our site!! When Google changed the rules, it definitely affected us).

Great to be back!
Youtube Channel. (only 900 more subscribers on YouTube before we can get a link back to our site!! When Google changed the rules, it definitely affected us).

Let's help you get there faster:


It cannot possibly be more simple to learn SEO than by watching entertaining content!

Plus, you'll be helping a fellow HD member in the process, which is always a great thing to do.

I subscribed. :) :thumbup:
HA! Thanks guys.

Essentially, Google said you need to have 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watched content in the past 30 days in order to link a youtube video back to your site. This is to counteract against spammers etc.

We get the 4,000 hours regularly, but 1,000 subscribers (REAL -- I never liked Fake), that's a tall order for something as dull and boring as SEO and Web Design. It has to be techy enough to target the clients we want (some SEO/Design knowledge) and basic enough so new people can watch a video and not feel overwhelmed.

It's a delate balancing act that I've yet to figure out!
Sorry, but never trusted SEO. SEO is like politics, send money in a black hole. All you need is good, interesting content. But because audience today is extremely low informed SEO is still a subject that people are looking for it, to get money. I am not politically correct hope you understand me. I really like the truth more than politics.
Somebody, and old man, told me once, to live well this life you need elements: "water, air and suckers ".

But again, living in a "free" society, anybody can do anything they want.

Sorry, but never trusted SEO. SEO is like politics, send money in a black hole.,

You're entitled to your opinion, but be aware that you just painted it with a HUGE brush. Not all SEOs are bad, but there is definitely a large portion who are low-end SEO scamming their way through the rankings and businesses.

While I don't need to defend our business, our work speaks for that, I will ask that you don't lump my company and the practice that we've been doing for the past 20+ years into a bucket with other SEOs. They're definitely not in our league.

We are a marketing and business consulting company with clients making anywhere from $1k/month to $5M/month.

I can guarantee one thing - you can not work with a company for several years generating in excess of $70M/year and expect to scam your way into their operations.
You're entitled to your opinion, but be aware that you just painted it with a HUGE brush. Not all SEOs are bad, but there is definitely a large portion who are low-end SEO scamming their way through the rankings and businesses.

While I don't need to defend our business, our work speaks for that, I will ask that you don't lump my company and the practice that we've been doing for the past 20+ years into a bucket with other SEOs. They're definitely not in our league.

We are a marketing and business consulting company with clients making anywhere from $1k/month to $5M/month.

I can guarantee one thing - you can not work with a company for several years generating in excess of $70M/year and expect to scam your way into their operations.

Be sure I am not talking about you or your company. Anything I said it is about SEO (like concept). Being a developer (you have to understand my attraction to "True" or "False" not to "Grey" zone) and working with many consultants companies, that in fact was replacing something that is good with something that is good on big bucks (no dollars for me :) ), if you understand me. I am sorry if I harm any way you or your company. I am used to talk open about my believes.
