Job ideas

I would like to make some money with this beautiful domain. I have BASE knowledge in linux, cPanel/WHM, Virtualization and a little bit about networking. Now I am learning SEO. Do you have ideas of jobs, or anything what could I do with these information ? I do not hope at billion dollars yet :))
I think he might have meant "web hosting business" as a domain/niche.

Ah, gotcha. I read "this beautiful domain" and went searching for which one was being talked about :)

@andrei152000 - the first thing is to decide what you're passionate about, and then figure it out from there. If you have a base level knowledge of something, documenting what you know and what you're learning, or how-to type things are always good for the web. It also acts as a mini diary for yourself.

As an example, I want to kayak/canoe down the Missippi River. I have been documenting the things that I've found, the areas to watch out for, guides, pictures, maps, equipment etc. This will help not just ME, but others who may want to make that trip someday. My plan is to also shoot some video of the trip and potential live broadcast on sections.

Is there money in that? *maybe*, and there might be some sponsorship opportunity with equipment etc, but primarily I'm documenting for my own experience and to help others in the future.

So figure out what you're passionate about, and then determine what you want the website to be about. At that point, buy the domain and get to work.

If you're going into the tech world, documenting your journey is always good. Before you can make money, however, you need to determine who your intended audience is, and then work backways.
I already bought a domain for starting a web hosting bussiness. I want to learn SEO, because is very hard to grow your site... the competition is bigg. Do you know good tutorials for begginers ? Or how should I start learning SEO ?
I agree with the earlier response about pursuing your passion. You should do something you have interest in and would like to do for a long time.
To become a successful you need huge client reach for your website. SEO is best and cheap method for this. Learn advance seo and use those techniques to increase client reach. The more people can see you the more possibilities will increase.