Job Interviews

I've read that article before I think. Yeah my resume is not too bad. This was actually my first interview in some time now. Since I'm graduating from my University this may, I'm applying to a few full time opportunities now. Our university has a system setup where employers that are looking for recent grads register through that system. We then have to apply for an interview. They sift through the resumes,etc and select a few people to interview on campus. I got that interview through this system. The problem though is that out of the 20 or so people who got the interview, a majority (about 17) are MIS majors. The thing with that is they have really high GPAs. Up around the 3.5 - 3.7 range. Us Computer Science majors rarely have GPAs that high except for those ppl who do nothing but go to school. My GPA is only around a 3.1 (rounded up). Unfortunately many employers place too much emphasis on the GPA and its hard to even get to the interview because all these MIS people have high GPAs. MIS is a joke though. Most Comp Sci people would easily get a 3.7 in MIS because of the difference in the cirriculum but hardly any of the employers notice this. Just kinda gets on my nerves.

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