[JOB OFFER]Sales Representitives Earn 50% commision At Exile Hosting[JOB OFFER]


New member
Hello There,

So you need that little bit of extra cash, or you find you have nothing better to do on the internet other than sell things, well Exile Hosting Web Solutions could be the answer for you. A company that has been in business 4 years, 2 and half years on the high street and 1 and half yearso n the web are now offering you a chance to become a sales representitive and earn money simply by selling our products. You shall earn 50% of whatever you sell and can make your first withdrawl when you have $10.00, and to just help you on the way, when you sign up you get $1.00 free, amazing. So you've heard enough now and you really want this oppertunity, cool, just look below how to sign up!!!

What You Must Do;
Answer The Following and send in an email to our sales team

Languages Spoken;
Prior Experience;
Hours Online per Day;
How Many Sales Do You Think You Can Make A Month;

Please Consider Me For The Sales Rep Job


Please Send Your Answers Either In An Email To; admin@exilehosting.co.uk
PM me here and i shall process your application

Wish you the best of luck
Sam Thornton
Exile Hosting
Company Manager